

Silver Member
Well yesterday was a struggle n a half being home all day, put my tree up, shred some paperwork and watched this morning with a shake lol not my normal day off but hey.

My OH cousin is getting married in aug, the date has been set, my overall goal is to be in a size 10/12 dress for the wedding, his family has only known me as a big girl & I would love to show up all glam and they not know who I am! His uncle makes digs at me when I see him which is embarrassing and hurtful but I just laugh it off.

I do have a goal to get my BMI down to 28, as I would really like to be a CDC. I have struggled so much with my weight and I would just love to be able to help others who have the same problems. Because although I see larger ladies, I still feel alone. I don't actually know anyone that is big, so I guess I am alone in my quest to be slim which I think is why I've always found it hard to diet. But now I am here, now I am in the right frame of mind.

3days til my first weigh in....
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Hi hunni,

they are wonderful goals!! and absoluely achievable!

I have always been the big girl too! so for me to turn up at hubbies homecoming smaller than everyone else will be amazing!!

you will get there hun, you sound so positive! keep in mind how fabulous it will feel to turn up to that wedding and show them all a big eff off!

Gosh I can kind of understand your uncle being like that (because he's your actual blood relation) but not your OHs. That's awful!!!

You'll be in that dress and can then tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine!