Going Down for the Big Trip

And back again. Haven't been sick this week, yay! I have the doctors referring me to my specialist again though, boo.

I have been having terrible trouble with sore boobs. Bear with here. I had a hysterectomy (kept ovaries) 18 years ago and apart from stopping all period symptoms nothing else happened until last year. After a few blood tests at the beginning of the year I was told I had finally, finally gone into menopause. Well everything went rather pear shaped as they have a want to do and I didn't like life very much and eventually I was put on to HRT. I don't need outdated lectures about the stuff thank you, my quality of life was dire and now it's not and I will get over it.

Anyway that was in October and slowly, slowly I have been having those aches you have with the usual monthly hormonal changes. This last two weeks has been the strongest yet when even I couldn't go near my boobs and it's taken me an age to realise that I also had the huge bloated feeling with water retention too. (It's been 18 years since I've felt PTMish!!) Monday I felt like a popped balloon and the scales showed a 3lb loss overnight!!! I'm hoping that my STS weigh ins are down to this and I can actually lose weight taking into account I may have this week or two every month that needs patience. I'm also going to lessen the dose of HRT to see how my body is getting on underneath the artificial camouflage. I cannot put up with joints that are so swollen and painful I can't move or the murderous thoughts though so will be careful there.

Thats the plan. This does probably slow down my over all weight loss which will give me less time to buy clothes, hopefully in a smaller size, before travelling and if there is one thing I hate in this world more than anything, it's clothes shopping!

Second fast day of the week today and feeling good! Looking forward to tomorrows weigh in.
Well that was a nice surprise this morning! Not only had I lost 3lb on Monday down from the Sunday weight, which is always up from my official weigh in day, but I actually did lose 3lbs over the whole week so I've hit my first stone!! Go me! Now I know it will wibble and wobble up and down abit as I eat over the weekend but as long as the Thursday morning weight is the same or down I don't care!! Feeling really good today.
Well done x
Thank you ladies. :)
Oh my! Had a bit of a blow out Friday night and most of yesterday. It's Valentines. I feel soooooo bloated and bad and I made a huge mistake of stepping on the scales this morning. 5lb ON!! I know it's mostly going to be general bulk and water retention from alcohol but it's still upsetting. I think I may just be fairly close to fasting today and stick to vegetables and water. Fingers crossed, it all felt so good last Thursday.
Well that 2lb of the blowout gone and I'm on a fast day today. Fingers crossed.

Hubby has thrown a spanner in the works a bit. He booked us five nights in Mallorca for some sun at the end of March. A new partway goal to aim for. I'd like to be well in the 13's, preferably under halfway but we will see!

Wheres that coffeeeeeeeeeeee........!
ooh you lucky duck! It will be lovely to have something like a holiday to work towards. Just hang that bikini on the fridge for inspiration ;-)

Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Bikini! Hahahahahahahaha! I'll be happy just to be sockless for a few days. lol :D
Oh drat, I'm up 2lb. :mad: . I was planning on an extra fast tomorrow anyway as I had to help hubby with a couple or three of pancakes on Tuesday and we have a lunch out on Saturday for granddaughter's first birthday. Still, overall trend is still downward but after feeling on top of the world last week, this week is a bit of a slam in the gut.

I will class Saturday as my weeks weigh in this week.

Third fast of the week underway and going ok apart from I have a blinding headache. I will up the water intake. :(
Weelllllll over all I gained 1lb. So last weeks huge loss and this weeks gain mean I've actually lost a pound and a bit each over the two weeks. My MyFitnessPal widget is 0.2 point off of showing the extra pound but the Minimins one is right. You can tell that yes I'm beating myself up about it and trying desperately to justify it all. Big picture, I've still lost 12 lb since New Year, get a grip woman!
STS. Bummer. I'm fed up with trying to rationalise it. I really don't understand. I've stuck to the diet, 465 on Monday 520 on Wednesday and between 1200 and 1700 on the other days. What the hell is wrong with me that it won't shift??!!?? So so fed up this week.
Hi Foxtrot,

Hang in there! Your 12lb loss is amazing so far! I know there are tons of reasons why some weeks we won't see a loss, or even see a gain. It's usually just masking the overall picture of a slow, steady loss over time. I think slowly adding in exercise can have a big, positive impact, as can cutting out some sugar on normal days.

Thanks Caz for being positive. I'm just on a downer day. I have very low sugar and carbs, the sweetest thing is frozen fruit with yoghurt in the morning. Slog on until next week.
I've had a moderately good weekend and today has been my first fast day of the week. I must admit to still being on a bit of a downer and I just have everything crossed that is see a bit of movement on Thursday as today has been a struggle. At 375 calories tonight.
I'm sure you will do that with room to spare. Good luck! :)
Not sure how I feel at the moment. I know it's not very positive. Another week of STS. Why?