Going it alone.


New Member
Hi everyone, I will be going it alone with slimming world . I did it three years ago but then the dreaded University years happened and I packed on 3 stone 😔. I have never used the group and did it online last time with much success, however, I am just about to graduate from university and move into my first house (yay) so money is extremely tight. I cannot fork out nearly 60£ for access to online right now.

I am going to be brave and try and do it myself. I have my books and food diary. The gist is really just cooking from scratch more and upping the intake of veg and fruit.

I joined because this looks like a good place for support. Have any of you done it with just the books before? X
Hello! There's safety in numbers. We can do it together Dam these acrylic nails. It takes me twice as long to post, having to go back and take out all the keys I hit by accident