Good Snacks to eat with little syns?

definately got to make this

Hey guys, I found it on the SW recipes. It's called passion cake - or carrot muffins basically. 1 1/2 syns per muffin.

3 eggs
6 tbls of granulated sweetner
85g wholemeal self raising flour
2 tsps mixed spice
170g grated carrot
113g quark
1tsp vanilla essence
1tbs granulated sweetner

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4 and place 8 muffin cases into a tray

Whisk together the eggs and sweetner until thick, pale and fluffy. The mixture should leave a trail off the beaters.

Seive in the flour and mixed spice, adding the husks from the seive. Then the carrots. Fold in - try not to beat it otherwise all the air will disappear!!

Spoon into 8 muffin cases and bake in the oven for 20mins - or until they are golden.

Meanwhile whisk together the quark, sweetner and vanilla. Refridgerate until needed.

Once cooled, spoon the mixture onto the muffins. Decorate with either grated carrot, or a sprinkling of mixed spice.

Try not to eat them all at oncex Enjoy!!!
This thread has really back fired for me. One of the reasons i got fat is that i have such a sweet tooth and for the last month have had virtually no sweets. i read this and thought "ooh!" and loaded up at tesco. the problem is once i had one or two things i had the tasted and didn't want yoghurts or apples and ended up eating a lot more than i planned (or wanted)

i really need to learn to (more or less) live without sweet stuff.anyone got any ideas for low syn savoury snacks please?

thats how I feel... for the first month we didnt have any "treats" as didnt really miss them but now bought some recently and hubby thinks he can eat them all.. I made some WB cake and he thought he could eat the lot. He misses treats more than I do and he has bought a large bag of doritos and 2x4 finger kit kat bars (well they were going cheap he said)...I can divi out the kit kat into 2 bars but not sure about the doritos... they will go stale by the time we should finish them all. So difficult when you are dieting together as we have different tastes and cravings. I dont miss chocolate but I do miss Brie, and camembert and edam and stilton and..... oooh! all the cheeses!
Tesco sell it, it's just choc flavoured tea, it's a bit weird, smells a bit like white choc but doesn't really taste like it x
Nop, no limit! If you know you are going out, just set a relistic amount of syns that you can stick to! Follow the plan upto that day as normal, have your daily syns and healthy Xs, use your flexi syns, then back to the plan straight away the next day!

I suppose, people that don't have a problem with their weight have "days off" but continue to eat "normally" around that day! I think that's how it works.

It also stops the thought of having and bad day so may as well blow the week which is what I used to do xx
there thin sticks coated in chocolate. 0.5syn each... i much prefer using syns for daim bar than 15 of them makidos
Can I just ask what the big deal is about Mikado - looks very skinny to me- I stress I have not had them. Is it just the fact that you get a bit of chocolate? Do you get a few for a small amount of syns? I keep looking at the packet then looking for something more substantial.

Oops! Sounds snotty - not meant to be. Sorry.

I love them because they're crunchy as well as having chocolate on them :) Yes they are qutie small, but you could have like the whole packet for a days' syns! I think it's a good amount of chocolate to satiate a craving :)
/i love rainbow drops - is that the small bag or the larger bag
So glad I found this post as I always struggle with what to eat and need ideas so thanks :)
I made some mini oreo cheesecakes for my taster class the other day and they were insane! 3.5 syns each. The recipe can be found by googling "oreo cheesecakes slimming eats"
Pink and Whites, marshmallow with wafers..... 2 1/2 syns....

If you put them in the microwave for 10 seconds they double in size :D
Peal a banana, and spread a thin layer of Chocolate Philidelphia down one side (maybe 15g?). Slice into a bown, and sprinkle with cinnamon - 2 Syns, healthy, and helps beat a chocolate craving! Plus, because it's chopped up, takes longer to eat, and more satisfying :)