GothicMew's Weight Loss Journey


New Member

This thread is my little online journal of my weight loss journey.

First Post, Back story...before I forget

I have been trying to loose weight for quite some time now, yet without prevail. Always been on the rather heavier side during my teenage and young adult years. Sometimes I get somewhere, then I take my mind off it, thinking "Yeah, I git this" then BAM! back to square one or worse.

As always, I do say it does take one event to really hit home that I need to turn things around with my food and ultimately weight.
In the past I've always had bought "Everyday Value" this and "SmartPrice" that, purely because of affordability. I felt rather depressed, as the stones increased. Even more so, when I can't fit in the majority of clothes that my place of work sells.

I was referred to a course of WW (Fall/Winter 2010), just before they changed to the ProPoints System. Meaning I had spent/wasted (how one view) learning the OLD SYSTEM, when I would've been better off just Learning the new system from W1... sadly WW failed on me after W12. I felt It didn't work. Even tho I gave it my all. (18St 13Lb)

Bloodwork showed I was Hypothyroid in Spring 2011, started taking Levothyroxine. Enjoying going to Download festival, got a Job by Fall that year...then December pain in my ankles and feet started - Achilles Tendinitis (AT) and Plantar Fasciitis (PF) - very painful, affected walking and standing for long periods of time.

A couple of Years Later... (Fall/Winter2012
My doc referred me to a Local Weight group ran by the local NHS and Local Council...Mostly generic group lecture on healthy eating, cliches included... which had an active gentle exercise session at the end. This ran for 13 weeks. Got rather messed around with the signing up... an issue that never really got resolved. By the end of the 13th week, showed Little to no change... (Weighing around 120KG)
still having painful prolonged relapses from the AT & PF reducing me to work from a chair.


Buying clothes from Simply Be (SB) and just generically, embracing myself for who I am and just accepting that I am just larger than life... and concentrating on getting my thyroid "Normal" Level, keeping up treatments for AT & PF.
Began tracking how my "cycles" were normalizing after having Implant removed the previous year, wanting to start a family with other half, not opting for further contraception.

I began realizing how expensive, and how poor of quality of the clothing I had bought from SB. Even everyday essential clothing such as work clothes, Jeans. I was getting annoyed, and felling ripped off.

2014 pushing 20/21st
Getting a rough idea of calburn from my smartwatch.
Feeling broody, after my friends began having babies... yes naturally me and my partner began to actively try, we had a BF+ around May, then to loose it in an Early MC.I started talking to my a friend who is on SW, and asked what its all about, had a peek at her books and

Gradually eating more salads, vegetables ect...
My partner baught a WiiU with Wii U fit and matching Pedometers and began to actively monitor weight and activity, getting idea an idea how much I burn daily (highest weight recorded on Wii U - 19st 10lb.

by the end of June, Wii U Scales read 18st 13lb (or there abouts)
I felt yeah, this is working, I'm going to go and give it a real go.

I joined Slimming World on 9th July, 2014 Starting @ 19st 2lb.
by W5, earned 1/2 St, then by W9 achived 1St.
now close to the 1&1/2 stone, even tho I have had a few rocky weeks lately.

Well done on starting SW and doing so well so far. Ive had an up and dwn journey too but hey you started and thats the main thing you can only go forward from here no backwards.

Sarah x