Greeneyes will PERSEVERE.........

Well done are doing great!! xx Glad you feel a bit better too, colds are horrid, they can make you feel really rough...xx
Bet that weight thing was just because it was the end of the day & all the water you'd been drinking... nothing to worry about. The CDCs scales are the ones that matter!

Hey Linda totally agree with Katy was probably all the water and only the CDCs scales count now.

Keep up your good work it will all be worth it in the end
Saw CDC this lunchtime and I weighed 10stone 6lb on her scales (it was actually 10 stone 6.75 but she never counts the extra bit and rounds it down).... which was exactly BMI 25... so will definately be sticking to 810 from now onwards. Have decided to half my meal allowance and have half lunchtime and half dinnertime as I had to eat nearly 2 tins of tuna last night and it was a bit hard going, so have had half my allowance of prawns and some chilli all stirfried with a bit of cabbage..... it was really yummy, the first nice thing I have eaten this week..... so fingers crossed I will lose something this week and quickly get to goal as this is getting rather expensive..... lol
Hi Linda, sounds like you are doing fab! like the sound of the prawns n cabbage stir-fry!
Have a fab day!
Keep going Greeneyes! Brilliant to hit BMI 25 again... go, go, go!

Thursday 11th February - 10 stone 5lb

i run card classes from my home and had one this morning, and I was so good I wasn't tempted once by the biscuits, although I did have to apologise at least once for the noise my tummy was making.... anyway, going by my scales have lost lb since tuesday morning, so I am pleased with that. I went out last night, and gave in to about 8 grapes, but I did not eat the biscuits or choccie bars, so rather pleased about that.... have a good day everyone.
Thursday 11th February - 10 stone 5lb

i run card classes from my home and had one this morning, and I was so good I wasn't tempted once by the biscuits, although I did have to apologise at least once for the noise my tummy was making.... anyway, going by my scales have lost lb since tuesday morning, so I am pleased with that. I went out last night, and gave in to about 8 grapes, but I did not eat the biscuits or choccie bars, so rather pleased about that.... have a good day everyone.

Had visions of poker school, but then I remembered you have a greetings card business don't you?! Made me smile though. :D You are going great guns Greeneyes, so impressed about the 25 BMI as well, you couldn't have mucked up so much over Christmas after all!
You are doing really fab, and well done for resisting temptation. And BMI 25 is really great stuff x
I did hit 11 stone over Christmas, have just worked hard since beginning of January trying to get it off again, still struggling with flippin Cambridge tho.... just like eating I guess....

Anyway today I weigh in at 10 stone 5.8lb, not sure why the scales fluctuate so much, must be water (although about central to my TOTM) so shouldn't be water retention, but I will keep going today even though I struggle to stay on track.... I keep telling myself only 7lb to go to get back to what I was before Christmas, but the weight is just coming off so slowly seems like forever before i will get there...
Doesn't it just? Even so, downwards is good. :) But I know just what you mean, I want it gone in a flash too!
Okay well fell off the wagon over the weekend, we took the boys to a carvery Friday evening and then stupid ice cream and chocolate brownie dessert, then Saturday night we had a Valentines meal with a bottle of wine...... but been good since yesterday morning.

This diet totally messes with my head, I want to lose the weight fast, but I get depressed, have mood swings etc and now wondering if to continue or to go back to weightwatchers..... the other problem I have now is that I am having shakes and cannot be bothered to eat anymore... I think about food constantly, but find it easier not to bother eating, so have only had shakes for the last 2 days, I know I shouldn't be on SS because of my bmi so wondering if WW would be better as I would need to eat... I have even pointed my Cambridge Diet packs which are 2 points a pack.... is that sad... lol
This diet totally messes with my head, I want to lose the weight fast, but I get depressed, have mood swings etc and now wondering if to continue or to go back to weightwatchers..... the other problem I have now is that I am having shakes and cannot be bothered to eat anymore... I think about food constantly, but find it easier not to bother eating, so have only had shakes for the last 2 days, I know I shouldn't be on SS because of my bmi so wondering if WW would be better as I would need to eat... I have even pointed my Cambridge Diet packs which are 2 points a pack.... is that sad... lol

This is me exactly hun!
I'm all over the place!

The one thing i am determined not to do is go "BACK" to CD and thinking that i can binge my arse off, and then starve myself (either with or without CD) to rectify the damage!

At the moment, i have no idea what i weight (esp as i'm ill and have just come on) but just trying to cut back!

I wish i'd never done this damn diet!

Really hope you get the head bit sorted hun and you have more support from your CDC than i got from mine!

Okay well fell off the wagon over the weekend, we took the boys to a carvery Friday evening and then stupid ice cream and chocolate brownie dessert, then Saturday night we had a Valentines meal with a bottle of wine...... but been good since yesterday morning.

This diet totally messes with my head, I want to lose the weight fast, but I get depressed, have mood swings etc and now wondering if to continue or to go back to weightwatchers..... the other problem I have now is that I am having shakes and cannot be bothered to eat anymore... I think about food constantly, but find it easier not to bother eating, so have only had shakes for the last 2 days, I know I shouldn't be on SS because of my bmi so wondering if WW would be better as I would need to eat... I have even pointed my Cambridge Diet packs which are 2 points a pack.... is that sad... lol
Hi Greeneyes,

I think I know how you feel. I was amazed how addictive I felt this program was becoming for me last year. It's why I had to take a real step back and get some perspective back on what does maintenance really mean to me? Some people are hapy using the packs as a tool for regular weight loss, but that didn't work for me. It was like putting a piece of sticky tape over a fire to put it out - huh you might think but basically wrong tool for the wrong purpose. Don't get me wrong - CD really helped me but I needed to learn to stand on my own two feet. And cutting down to a really low number of calories wasn't the solution for me.

I had a plan re my eating (counting calories and carb/fat/protein) works great for me but without that, I knew I'd fail. I also really had to get back to facing that addictive desire and working with it instead of against it. No more fighting for me.

Take care of yourself and I really hope you find a plan that works for you.
Hi Linda, How's things now? What have you decided to do? xx
Thanks for your posts..... I decided to stop CD.. I felt that it was easier to have a pack instead of counting calories for a meal, and I felt it was easier to not eat whilst having packs than when eating if you see what I mean... yes it is addictive, it makes it easier to lose weight and throws healthy eating out the window. I think it was the right thing to do when I needed to lose so much weight, but totally wrong to do when trying to maintain and lose the extra weight I had put back on. I think once it was finished it needed to stay finished, I need to learn to eat healthily and the right amount and if I mess up to face the consequences of eating less rather than relying on CD to lose the excess weight. I am happier now that I have made up my mind, and am now following the WW plan, it will be slower to lose the weight but I will be learning healthy eating at the same time....
Well done Linda, do keep in touch though won't you and let us know how you are? x
I am still gonna hover on here Bess, dont you worry... lol Its feels like home here!!