Greeneyes will PERSEVERE.........

Well I weighed myself this morning and on WI day I was 10 stone 4.8lb, and today I was 10 stone 3.2lb which is only 3 days later and more than 1lb lighter... sometimes being so strict is definately worth it, must admit whilst in Tesco last night I nearly blew it but managed to buy Weightwatchers chocolate brownies and had enough points left to eat 3, they were only one bite each, but made with real choc etc so definately filled a craving and I was full afterwards too....
That is good, was it due to the last bit of CD or WW do you think?
As for 3 chocolate brownies filling the gap - well done you! I'd have had to eat them all and probably the box too to fill my hungry gap!! :eek: :rolleyes:
Everything is going to plan, weight is still coming off and I love being able to eat what everyone else is eating, even if it is a lower fat and cal version... had big 7" pizza at weekend and they all had pizza and it felt good and fitted in with my points on WW... hoping for a loss tonight, although it is TOTM week and I always put on some weight because of fluid retention, we shall see, I wont be too upset if I stay the same....
Hey, just wanted to say congrats on getting so close to gold as you mentioned on my thread! Be there before you know it.

Your post about CD being great for losing a lot of weight, but now you want to eat healthily for maintenance/anything extra that's gone on - it really resonated with me.

I have missed CD and been tempted to return because it's easy (funny how everyone not on CD says 'ooh how can you do it, it's so hard!). However, it did the trick for me taking me from obese to overweight, to normal, but the hard part IS learning about healthy eating.

WW is great for that I think and it sounds like it suits you really well! I'll be keeping up to date with you as I'm back on Weightlossresources, which works on similar principles xxx
OMG I am so shocked, I reached my WW goal weight tonight losing 3.5lb in the week and reaching the goal weight she set me, so now I am a Gold Club Member and no longer have to pay to go.... I do still want to lose a bit more weight, but I can do that and it wont cost me anything, I can go all the way down to 8 stone 5lb if I want, as long as I dont put on 5lb I can stay Gold Club Member.... I am absolutely gobsmacked, cannot believe I lost so much weight eating so much..... lol Really Really pleased....

It is a good end to a bad week as daughter was in hospital with grandson again over weekend and my mum is in Madiera, so panic stations Saturday night trying to find out if she was okay as she is staying at a hotel in Funchal, she eventually texted us at midnight Saturday, she was watching a cabaret and hadn't heard her phone going off when we rang and texted her.... she rang me today, says there is devestation all around her but the place where they are hasn't been touched, she says just looking at it you wouldn't believe the devestation you see just by walking down the road.... amazing...
Brilliant news that you reached gold member staus you should be so proud!

Brilliant news about your Mum too and not so good about daughter and grandson

Well done you!

keep up the good work
Oh well done Linda, so proud of you! And so glad that your Mum is ok, hope your little grandson is too soon poor little mite, he's not had a very good start has he?
Well done Linda thats fab you must be over the moon!
So pleased to hear your Mum is safe, you must have been so worried.
Hope your Grandson is ok too..
Keep smiling hon you have done so well x
green eyes - read the whole of your diary. i am nearing goal and feeling v scared about not using CD anymore. i am one stone from goal of 10.10. will move up the plans when i get to my last 7lbs to goal. then after plans intend to go to WW but scared to eat alll the food. going from shakes to 18 points a day seems massive. so great to read your diary and see how you are gtting on. i know you had a bit of a struggle a few weeks ago and after reading Liz's diary and her problems CD was really starting to scare me. SO wonderful to read that you are doing well. what a boost for you.... have you come off CD completely?
Yes I have come off CD completely, do have a few packs left, mainly chocolate as that was all I ate, might have a hot choc occasionally as a pack is 2 points, but not to keep my weight under control, just because I enjoy them and once they are gone they are gone... I also have some mixamousse left, so might treat myself to a choc mousse too... just to use up the packs....
Hiya. Well done Hun. I've def made the right decision in moving to ww. It's the right thing for me and its very encouraging to see how well you've done. Thanks for your post. X
Hi Linda,
sorry been absent again. Glad to hear that your decision to swap to WW is working for you. Think theres a few of us in the 'time to stop CD boat' at the moment, myself included. I s'pose its about finding what works for you longer term. Like the sound of choc brownies, i am just about to treat myself to a shapers mint nougat choc bar......official too and not a 'cheat'....virtuous moment here..:D! xx
Glad your mum is all okay. Such devastation - it's horrible.
Was just saying on Sunshines thread about a lot of people moving away from CD now. WW has worked fantastically for you! xxx
Just popping back to say Hi to everyone.... everything is going okay at the moment, not brilliantly dietwise, but I haven't totally blown in yet.... I really need to find something that suits me and stick to it, keep having mini binges which dont help.... am trying to stay strong tho.... around food... lol