Greeneyes will PERSEVERE.........

Morning GE,

Woohoo CD day 1, go for it hunny!! Mel is so wise....i feel the same with having to count cals, free food = overeating for me always was the case so I like the structure of CD so much and i know when i wobble getting back into the cd routine keeps my control in check, plus the Beck way is a great companion too.

Sending you 100% vibes for strength and determination

Have a fab week
Hi Linda,

I think being on CD might make it easier over the half-term, as there are no decisions to make. You can't have anything! That was my favourite thing about SSing... no decisions to make, no portions to control, etc. You can do this -- you have before and know how to make this work!

I am sure you will do well, and I am glad to have someone back on CD. I think Lelly and I were getting a little lonely, but then Shanny returned from her hols, and now you've switched back for the time being. I have nothing against Slimming World, I just know that I would find it hard to lose weight on a diet like that because of my low BMR (I am only 5'4", small to medium frame, over 40, and not very active). When I have food I have to count calories and watch the carbs. It is balacing act: take in a lot less than you burn. (And , it is hard to do this when you burn so few.)

I hope you have a wonderful term break!


P.S. How is Mr Depp liking his new gig?

Morning Mel, I am a medium frame but other than that have all the same BMR as you, so cannot eat too many calories either, guess having a DH 14 years younger than you doesn't help as he can eat whatever he likes and doesn't put on weight..... lol

Hope you enjoy your holiday, lovely sunny Texas, weather is supposed to be going downhill this week here, must be school holidays then.

DH says his job is okay, this morning he is not so impressed he says he has hit his Enter key about 50000 so far and is only on message 368 of 2044...... guess it will keep him busy. Journey into work was much better today due to starting 30 minutes earlier and the schools being on holiday. We will see how long it takes him to get home today.
Well have managed to stay 100% today so really pleased about that. Will be picking up some more CD packs tomorrow which will hopefully last me 2 weeks, I will then decide what to do after that, but will probably stay on CD a bit longer as I aim to get into the 10s before I stop this time, but it is my birthday soon so might go off plan for the day.... lol
Well have managed to stay 100% today so really pleased about that. Will be picking up some more CD packs tomorrow which will hopefully last me 2 weeks, I will then decide what to do after that, but will probably stay on CD a bit longer as I aim to get into the 10s before I stop this time, but it is my birthday soon so might go off plan for the day.... lol
lol, what are you like?????? Well done on getting your first day over with 100% xx
Well have managed to stay 100% today so really pleased about that. Will be picking up some more CD packs tomorrow which will hopefully last me 2 weeks, I will then decide what to do after that, but will probably stay on CD a bit longer as I aim to get into the 10s before I stop this time, but it is my birthday soon so might go off plan for the day.... lol

Well done Linda! Good for you! xx
Well done on getting back on CD and your first 100% day - stick with it and those lbs will fall off. I'm just having my cereal for breakfast and then I'm going to stick to shakes for the rest of the day as well. Have people here today and they accept me doing CD but if they see me eating it will be "oh just one little one!" so i'm really happy with my comfort blanket of the shakes ! Hope you have a great day
Was quite surprised to get on the scales this morning and find I had lost less than 0.5lb..... seeing as how much I ate on Sunday I thought I would have lost a couple of lb today, but never mind is that TOTM anyway so maybe that is causing the lack of loss.... not demotivated at all so will be on plan again today.

Hope you all have a good day xx
Yay for the little drop it'll get bigger in the next few days hun, keep with it!
Have a great day 2!!
Was quite surprised to get on the scales this morning and find I had lost less than 0.5lb.....

We ought to set a rule of no standing on the scales in between official CD weigh-ins.
We set ourselves goals & hopes, and I really believe that if we get disappointed by those little losses mid-week, we revert back to having a nibble here and there. Ruining the whole CD process.
Leave it to that seven day weigh-in.
You can do it, you've proved it before. Ignore that 0.5lb loss, it'll be more at the CDC's.

Hi GE glad to have you back onboaord the cd wagon I was feeling a little lonely, haveing restarted last week.

Nibbles is right about not stepping on the scales inbetween wi as a little drop can make us (me in particular) revert to the odd nibble, especially when this could be linked to totm
I always weight every day whether on CD or not, and I am not getting myself officially weighed by my CDC either, I just see her when I want more packs.

Well strangely again, the scales have gained the loss I had yesterday, not understanding this at all especially after eating tons at the end of last week and eating 810 for the last 2 days. Normally this is the week I lose my TOTM gain, so scales should be dropping because of that too..... very strange indeed.
Don't let it unsteady you GE just keep going... sometimes the scales move (or don't) in mysterious ways. But it WILL work if you keep going!

We ought to set a rule of no standing on the scales in between official CD weigh-ins.
We set ourselves goals & hopes, and I really believe that if we get disappointed by those little losses mid-week, we revert back to having a nibble here and there. Ruining the whole CD process.
Leave it to that seven day weigh-in.

Very sound advice, for those of us who are still feeling fragile about weight loss!
Morning GE,

How are you doing hun?
Hope its going well.
Agree with the others about avoiding the scales for a bit, they'll catch up don't worry!

Wishing you a fab 100% day!

Hi Linda,

I hope you are well. I am totally with Nibbles and Beck -- scale hopping is not good.

I was very annoyed when I got on the treadmill and without asking it gave me my weight (which was four pounds more than it had been on Monday morning, in my knickers, with an empty bladder, before water, coffee and breakfast). So, even though I knew that it was four hours after waking; I had eaten my porridge, drunk coffee and water; was dressed in my workout clothes including trainers -- it was still depressing. I am going to keep my eyes closed today until after the treadmill has had its say! I do not want to get that "why bother" feeling.

I hope that Mr Depp gets his commute sorted --and I am glad to have you back doing the CD thing.

Hope you have had a good week GE, and that the CD is going OK.... happy weekend!
