Grovergirl's return to Dukan

what she said!
Hehe... the plan is to put my head down and battle on. As I think I said before, I don't actually find it too hard to stick to Dukan once I'm up and running.

I'm also trying and testing a new gym programme for work... six weeks of training, personal training and monitoring, we'll see what they say about Dukan, but they'll no doubt be anti-carb. Not sure when this starts, but it's a way to get me back into the excercise zone.

Anyhow, here we go...
Oh, and I finally read the book (was going by the website before). Crikey, they go the long way around saying anything, don't they?

Thought it was a huge pile of flannel. Really annoying having to wade through so much to get the facts.

On-line's a better resource, though far more expensive!!! The price one pays for brevity!
Are you being coached on the official site? Or reading the chat? The pigeon English on the chat irritates me intensely! (as do their contradictions!!)

Soooo how can you avoid whatever happened last week. OK you were tired, and busy, but you need to fill your fridge/freezer with all things Dukanian! And refill before running out!

Did you weigh in to check the damage?
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No, haven't gone to the chat... did the coaching last summer, although I didn't think much of the programmed daily messages and responses after a while, but the info is good, and easy to find, and recipes are good. And I love a good diet 'gadget' so it was a good motivating toy. I see there's now an app, so am thinking about registering again...

In practical terms, I have Dukan food to hand and lots of water, and am ready to roll again. No, I'm not weighing. Will do so next Wednesday and take it from there...
I'd save the money, if I were you, and log in here more often? Telling us all? We won't give you computer generated responses, at least (or charge you!!).

If you like applications, why not join My Fitness Pal ( and we can be friends! Vicky's got me into it, and because I wanted to watch the calories/carbs too, it's a neat place...

(Did you copy all the recipes to your hard drive?! I did but all in French!! and formatting went a bit awry at times!)
Don't say she's gone again...? :cry:
Hi there!

No, just been busy, and trying my best to keep going.... So far so good.

I've decided to stay away from the Mullers. Various reasons.... But two stick in my mind...

1. I never go into deep ketosis on dukan, and wonder if too much dairy has something to do with it? Going to see if this makes a difference.

2. I don't get it... Each is about 7g sugar (if memory serves right?) anyhow, someone on this board was talking about honey 'flavour' glazed smoked mackerel (or similar) which had 1.2g sugars, as opposed to .2g in regular SM. If that's a no no, how can mullers be justified?

Oh, me and my OCD. Anyhow, I am off them. And the Coke Zero and SF jelly and 'fake food' etc for this week to see what happens. Just gonna eat LF cottage cheese from the dairy selection.

Off to London for the night next Wed/Thursday, want a good loss under my belt before then.
Must admit I don't have much flavored dairy GG. All I have is natural yoghurt ( with cinnamon and sweetener), 99%FF custard and occasional berry FF yogurt. All my Yoghurts are pot set, so no gelatin as I'm veggie.

I limit coke to 2cans max a day but usually I only have one. Also doing the 3 ltrs of water, no food after 7.30pm and 45 mins of exercise minimum a day.
Those mullers are humungous it's true but FUNNILY ENOUGH I did fall upon something this morning on a French site about the French 0% fat yoghurt he recommends:

- which has 6g carbs in it (Muller 8g for half a pot).

The response was that 6g was the maximum "sugar" per 100ml and it wasn't "sugar" as we know and love it, but lactose "sugar" in the milk product used. (!

Whatever works... while you're losing, continue! If you stall, look closely. That's all we can say. You must have read the bacon/ham debate! Same issues really!

I have one of the queried French yogs per day (fat free sugar free yet 6g carbs - and "pork gelatine" or similar in it!) and have sugar free jelly for the other snack.
Yes, must operate more on a 'don't question, just do it' mode. Else I will drive myself demented with the 'Ms Logic' whitterings!!

Jo, you really seem 'in the zone' right now... Well done!

And Bren, I think you're right on your golden rules. My new thing is to eat before 7.30pm for the next while....

So far, weekend going okay. There's a LOT of socializing going on, and I have family staying, but am managing to do PV days today and yest. Tomorrow I should be able to do PP....
Oh yes, don't look for logic! Melon isn't allowed but has lower carbs than some veg. Just stick to the list!

Good luck for the weekend, not easy when socialising/have people staying.
Beware! Talk of non Dukan stuff here!!!

Hello all!

I wanted to check in because I haven't been on here in a bit and I hate leaving "open doors":eek:

So, what's been going on with me? A lot. Nothing too terribly awful, and some really amazing... But enough to turn my head inside-out and set me on a shameful binge for about 10 days a while ago. Hate it, but anyone with a similar condition might agree that when you're in the grips of it, it's so hard to cope...with anything.

Anyhow, I'd mentioned before that I was going to be the guinea pig to 'test' a new gym's fitness programme for work (to write a review of it). it's a 6 week thing, with just enough supervision to keep you motivated.

I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and am really trying hard. Bren, you'd be proud of my exercising! I'm in the gym 5 days a week, doing a mix of training + cardio and personal training sessions (1 a week) + cardio.

I've lost 3.5kg so far, but I know there's also a lot of muscle building up 'behind the scenes!'

I hope to start outdoor running again soon, when my weight goes a bit lower, as it's hard to move when there's too much junk in my trunk :eek:

Food - I'm not Dukanning, but I'm eating clean. And keeping track on myfitnesspal - thanks for that tip Jo.

So.... I'm sorry for going silent - I realty didn't know what to say before now. And I'm sorry to have left the dukan fold (for now).

I am of course keeping up to date with everyone's progress and there's so much thinspiration here!!! Well done to all who are battling away with great determination and result.

Thanks for keeping in touch - don't be a stranger! Several others aren't Dukanning but stick around. We love to hear from you.

Good luck with everything
Thanks Jo!

It's not easy, but it's not too bad either. Correction - it's dead easy when you're all revved up and motivated and at the moment I'm doing fine.

I'm trying to do this the 'proper' way - no fads, no food replacements, no 'quick fixes', and that's the challenge...

I always get cross when I hear people say things like "well, it didn't go on overnight, so ... blah, blah, blah", in my case, and at the rate I can eat, it certainly does go on overnight :eek:

You're doing great. And I see you're still are brimming with enthusiasm. Well done.

What/why's working this time do you reckon?
For me, what's working better this time is definitely sticking to it 100%. Being in (albeit light) ketosis since Jan 3 has made it all so ridiculously "easy" that I wonder why I made such a fuss before, when I allowed myself fruit or a treat at the weekend! Fortunately I can well remember how hard it was, doing just that, and having the cravings in the week to fight and - if ever I "forget" - I'm alas reminded by seeing other poster's experiences with their struggles after that "treat" or whatever.

I am however lucid enough to know that, where someone like me is concerned (very much an all or nothing person!), troubles will await me as usual when, out of ketosis, I go on holiday/weekend etc. but I'm far more acceptant of my inevitable behaviour and will enjoy said holiday/weekend knowing I can pull back on day 1 back at work as usual!

Strange way to live perhaps, for "normal people", but I'm resigned and acceptant and, as I'm not prepared to forego my "Jo weeks" which I actually love if I'm honest, I will merely limit them!

Stick around GG... miss you! (I'm on MFP - different user name though. I'll PM you it)
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