gutted week 2 weigh in :'(


Full Member
Week 1 lost 8.5lbs
Week 2 lost 1.75lbs... Very disappointed

SS+ (with milk) been so strict. I could of lost that on a diet with food. I'll be surprised if I make it through the night without cheating now
try not to lose heart, and try to look at the bigger picture. You say you could have lost that on a normal diet, and perhaps, for ONE week you are correct. BUT show me a diet where you can lose 10 Lb's in 2 weeks? no no no!!!! step away from those cheats! so many ladies on here have had slow weeks here and there but their ongoing losses are amazing, stick to it don't give up!
Don't loose it now! just like Iva said, you might have lost 1.75lb on Slimming World, but not your 8.5lb on here!

Think about why you want this so much, and write them down. Just remember all that hard work to get yourself into ketosis, to cheat now and have to possibly go through all that again would be awful. You CAN do this! x
Iva's right - no other diet would let you lose 10lbs in 2 weeks! I know that some people have massive losses over the first few weeks but at some point everyone has a slow week, the losses do catch up and overall I think everyone loses on average at the same rate (roughly 1 stone per month)

Don't cheat! Stop and think that you're using food as comfort, because you're stressed and upset. That's exactly the sort of thing which this diet is supposed to prevent. You'll feel worse if you eat something now.

Chin up, focus on the week ahead - you'll feel better tomorrow and I bet your clothes are looser too x
I have had a similar two weeks. After tonight's weigh in I had my soup and then scoffed a cd bar! Let's get back on it tomorrow - week 3 is bound to be better!
Daisy65 said:
I have had a similar two weeks. After tonight's weigh in I had my soup and then scoffed a cd bar! Let's get back on it tomorrow - week 3 is bound to be better!

Week 2 and I lost 3lb a bit disappointed but 8lb in 2 weeks so I will strive on, my CDC measured me today and I've lost 9 inches!
I had chicken leeks and broccoli instead of my third shake. Chicken was nice to start with but veg needed gravy. Overall didn't make me feel any better but at least I didn't give into the pizza I really wanted. Must try harder tomorrow, thanks for all your encouragement to stay on the right path x
Hang in there, stay strong, you'll be proud of yourself for not giving in. The results on the scales will follow. :hug99:
MrsC999 said:
I had chicken leeks and broccoli instead of my third shake. Chicken was nice to start with but veg needed gravy. Overall didn't make me feel any better but at least I didn't give into the pizza I really wanted. Must try harder tomorrow, thanks for all your encouragement to stay on the right path x

are leeks allowed?X
Leeks are in my book
I always thought they weren't allowed. They are in mine to :) x
dont give in and cheat. I lost 1lb last week. So far this week Ive lost 4lbs and my wi isnt til Sunday!! Dont undo all your hard work. Everyone on a VLCD gets a rubbish week at some point x
I will be a mummy. Did u have leeks for tea today? X
Hi MrsC, how're you doing today? feeling better? x
Hi Dollygirl. Yes I'm feeling better today. Trying to stay focused because I'm going away next week and having a 4 night break from the diet. Tried on some clothes I've bought and never fit into last night and few are even loose now :)

How is yours going? X