Guy's annoying RTM questions/advice thread

guy, i know its in a completey different situation but i made a decision that i was introduing alcohol in week 3!

to me this was ok because it wasnt a rash decision, and i had thought the consequences through.
i also started cooking fruit and veg in week 2.

i think if u think through the decision and make a choice for u thats all that matters!!
I found when I did LL all those years back I lost even more weight (more slowly of course) during I weighed less than when I started it...
Guy, my friend emailed me a link to your diet diary - from a fellow essex ( arian?) I am soooo impressed, i actually joined SW myself, but cannot believe you done so weell - you are my inspiration- thank you
Guy, my friend emailed me a link to your diet diary - from a fellow essex ( arian?) I am soooo impressed, i actually joined SW myself, but cannot believe you done so weell - you are my inspiration- thank you

:eek: awwwww thanks. That means a lot to me. Thanks for reading the blog. :)

and thanks to you BL and Catz for the responses. I guess I'm getting a little worried as I'm already about half a stone under where I want to mantain long term. Guess that gives me some room for the glycogen I spose. :)
Hi Guy,

I would stick to the plan - I have found that as the weeks progress quickly (and they go quickly - I'm already in wk 10!), you will have more foods to try, and more portion sizes to experiement with... This may lead to weight gain until you find the right balance of portions...

I used greek yoghurt - very nice in fact!

Good luck mate!

PS - I also read your blog - I also left you a message in the 'About me' section... :)
Ello. :)

As I start week 5 next thursday I'm planning on replacing my lunch time soup foodpack with a regular soup (low fat of course).

This lets me bring back the chocolate shake to have as my second pack (along with the bar). Am I still restricted to 1 bar a day? Two bars a day instead of a shake and a bar would work out much better for me. If not, why not? I;m not in ketosis anymore and two bars instead of one isn't going to dramatically affect my carb/calorie/fat intake. Well, not according to my spreasheet anyway lol.
That should be fine Guy. FOr a time, I had two bars a day for convenience, and I didn' have any problems.

I asked my LLC if it was OK to have 2 - what would happen. SHe made a joke about it maybe being a bit more, erm, "windy" ;) - AND IT WAS!!! :rotflmao: But if you can live with that.... :D

Hou sound like you are getting on well? Everything going as you expected?

It's going ok I guess. I was concerned that i was eating too much fruit at one point but I'm watching my calorie intake like a hawk and fruit is essentially the easiest way to up it. I'm burning around 1100 calories a week on the treadmill now but I am a little confused about gross and net intake. So here I am at the end of week 3 of RTM with an average calorie intake of around 800 a day AFTER excercise. Does that sound about right to you? I've been trying to go by the 100kcal a day extra every week but is that gross or net? If I go for 950 a day in week 4 my net intake after the running is only 750. If I should be aiming for 950 a day net of excercise then I really need to find some alternatives to up my intake.

My other confusion is about glycogen. I've been eating quite a bit of fruit so I can't see any reason why I would still be in ketosis and over the last week I;ve been averaging about 100g carbs a day. Do you think that's enough to replenish my glycogen stores or is there treadmill cancelling it out? I'm just trying to figure out what my BMR is. I know there are calculators out there but they don't take into account that I've been on a VLCD. I ask all this because I;m trying to find a balance. I still lost a pound this week so I guess that means I could have eating an extra couple of thousand calories over the week and STS but the glycogen thing is what has me confused. Putting on a few pounds is not a worry for me I just don't know what week/food stuff/calorie level to expect it to go up......

lol, glad you asked now? ;)

Other than that things have been fine. Deviated from the plan slightly a couple of times but nothing too terrible (some cooked veg and a couple of drinks). I've also been feeling the hunger a lot more but I'm eating little and often to combat that. How's things with you post management? You been having the LL choc bars or not bothering?
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Aw, mate - I am the WRONG person to ask all of those questions of!! :D I struggle with learning and retaining the knowledge to answer your questions. With regards to the glycogen, and how long and what restores it, etc.

Otherwise, you sound about how I was. I started out NOT counting calories or anything - trying the 'common sense' approach but found I floundered, so I started tracking everything vigilently, and that realy helped. There were some days, when taking my exercise into account I was only getting between 7 - 900 calories, and that was at the end. I was concerned as that is too low, but never felt poorly for it.

Now, the last two weeks - I am "winging" int again, to see if I am learning anything. So far, I can feel a tiny bit of the carb bloat you feel around the ribs, but clothe are not getting snug, so I am using that as a guide. It's scary - but I want to learn this without having to write everything down and add and subtract, etc., everytime I eat. So this is a test.

Being complete with the program feels wonderful, and I have had some real trying times recently, which I dealt with almost flawlessly, but must confess - I did have a little chocolate event the other day. :D It was when I got home from my last day at work - I was sad, lonely, and concerned about not having another job lined up. It is the first time in nearly 25 years I was without a job, so it hit me and caught me by surprise.

Unfortunately, my team gave me a bottle of wine and some nice dark chocolate as a send off. I managed the wine just fine - it is still in tact - but I am afraid the chocolate got to me, and its amazing comforting qualities came back almost instantaneously. Which was a shock - but I allowed it to happen - consciously. I DID want comfort, and that was working. lol I know that kind ofbehaviour cannot happen everytime, but that was the end of a very stressful period - about 8 weeks or so - and whats done is done. Aside from that, I have followed healthy eating every single day and not had anything naughty which amazes me still. I should specify - anything unplanned that is naughty. I do plan for some special things now and again by either cutting back the days before, in advance, or after.

I now have accepted a job, and feel a great sense of relief. During those 4 or 5 days without knowing anything about my future - I did a lot of reflecting around my career choices over the years, and I found I was full of regret. That did not help when it came to being handed a big choccie bar on top of everything else.

SO the upshot is - I have recognised a very powerful trigger for me, and that is regret. It is apparently stronger then stress. And it makes sense if I look back over past issues.

So, being done with RTM, is not really being DONE at all. Everyday there is something new to learn about ourselves and our relationship with food.

so - lol - aren't you glad YOU asked!! :D

At the end of the day, we are all doing brilliantly if I do say so myself. :)

I'm glad you're getting on well. I must admit, RTM is definatley the hard part. I don't think you should feel bad about the chocolate. At least there is some sort of physical explanation for it (endorphins etc). And at the end of the day, it's about balance. I know rewarding with food is supposed to be a big no no but we live in the real world at the end of the day. I don't think there's anything quite like the guilt free feeling of eating something not necessarily very good for you but knowing you've earned it by being good all week.

I still say that 'being good' thing all the time but I'm trying not to look at it in terms of good and bad any more. I see it as an extention of the 'start on Monday' mentality (which I was really guilty of). I'm just trying to look at my calorie controlled low fat diet as normality. Something else I hear a lot of the time from others (and used to say myself) is that I'll 'get back on it'. I now realise that there's nothing to get back on. The more accurate thing to say would have been 'get off this' (in reference to my unhealthy lifestyle). Does any of that make sense to you? Only now am I beginning to understand that nothing is off limits. I don't even view RTM as limited anymore. I used to moan about the lack of specifics when it comes to RTM but I realise now that it's a good thing. It's about finding your own way. I am following the plan but I don't see such a thing as a 'lapse' being possible anymore. It's a very long winded way of saying if I want a Banana before week 6, I have one! :D

I can totally understand what you're saying about regret being a trigger. I'm the same with worry. People think I'm really laid back but deep down, I'm a big time worrier (is that even a word? lol). I had some events myself that had me worried recently but I did recognise it and moved to act before it could take control. It reminds me of the RTM CD. Do you remember the story about the woman who eats a crisp and ends up fat and in a wheelchair? Well it cracked me up when I listened to it thinking how dramatic it was but now I realise how that story can come to pass if you let your triggers take control. It's a slippery slope.

And yes, I think we're all doing very well indeed. It's certainly a difficult thing to do but I think we can all feel very proud. :)

P.S. Where's LS? She's been very quiet lately....
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Yes - agreed about the "good vs bad" mentality and even the use of the words. Its a habit really - but I am trying to live too by not saying anything is one or the other - it is abolut balance. That is why I didn;t beat myself up about the chocolate. It was appropriate for me to be feeling all the blues, and such. And that is what I chose to make me feel better. And now its done, and I now choose not to have it anymore. Its that simple if we just remmeber it is. :D

RTM is DEFINATELY the hardest part of the diet. And I think it will take months to relaly "get it"., I am still uber aware of anything I plan to eat. ANd I have not ventured too far out of a pretty routine diet. But I am quite happy with it, and don;t feel deprived - its simple, nutritious, dependable and tasty too, so if its not broke, don;t fix it. As and when I get or wnat to be more adventurous, then I will incorporate other things. BUt quite happy chugging along.

It is great isn;t it, to know as you say, you are guilt free. That is HUGE. There is no more diet, or dieting. There is now eating and living a healthy lifestyle....with a little room for sin. Thats my motto. :D

Anyway - LS took some time off posting apparently. It's been hard lately keeping track of whos here, and who's away and who's taking a break! lol

Have a good afternoon!!
