Half marathon training

Ooh yer please meerkat :)
yes please! id be interested in reading it
Yes please!!
keep forgetting to come on this post!!!
well done on your run the other week shazzabir......unlucky with the garmin,perhaps you should contact them and tell them,my hubby has never had probs with his and he has been rained on several times and literally drips in sweat.

my trainers are the same size as my normal shoes and i really cant imagine wearing a bit bigger ones,i think they would rub me more slipping around my heel,lol.

cant remember what other runs ive done since i last posted but i did 5 miles this morning....not my fastest but ive decided to work on distance rather than pace then next year...well after the bristol half in september,work on my pace after that.
Sorry for the delay in putting this interval training schedule on. Hope you'll all find it useful.

1 min walking warm up
2 mins 8km/h
1 min 11 km/h
1 min 8 km/h
2 mins 11 km/h
1 min 8 km/h
3 mins 10km/h
1 min 8 km/h
4 mins 10 km/h
1 min 8 km/h
2 mins 11 km/h
1 min 8 km/h

I've done it once - tough but felt I'd achieved something afterwards. Will be doing it once a week.
Littlemeercat - thanks, will certainly give it a go :)
havent run for a week, been feeling ill :( ive tried running feeling that sick and its been a disaster.

going to try a 10 mile run tommorow eep
Take it carefully Gina!! Is 10 miles wise if you've been ill? I've not run for three weeks because I've not been well and the 2.5 miles I did this morning at a very gentle pace were very difficult!!
i feel better now, had a few days where ive not felt ill so ill just pace myself.
pressure to build up distance now, its only 14 weeks off the run

ive been doing classes but have been doing low impact in them, i hate resting :/
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im itching to get back into running, even made a new playlist to keep me going :D
I finally got a decent run in yesterday, 8 miles. Seems so long ago that I ran that distance. Only 8 weeks until GNR, so need to seriously focus now!!!

Gina: take it easy if your not 100%. 14 weeks is plenty of time to be prepared for your race, especially if you are looking at 10 miles on your next run. What distance are you looking at going to?
Did my 10mile run yesterday, its the longest I have ever run (have done 8miles up to this). I found myself doubting I would finish my run becaue it was 10 miles long and it is a huge milestone in my mind. Found the last 20 mins tough if I am honest, did a bit of walking, also stopped in the shop to get a sports drink near the end, found this helped. Was tired last night (mind you I had a very hectic afternoon with my family so that didnt help).
No real soreness today, just have a niggle on my right calf but today is a rest day so will see how it its tomorrow.

Hope you are feeling better Gina. like the other said, it is best rest and not push your body too much unless you are feeling 100%
Good to see you got your run in Shazz.
Nice one Mary great work - great feeling to break a mental barrier too.
i didnt do the 10 miles, only went up to 7 1/2 but i can feel the ache, walking up those stairs was hard work!
was going to do a run tommorow but i will take that as a rest day, i know ill struggle with it
Meerkat did u do that interval run on a treadmill?x
Mizkirsty - I am a 6.5-7 too, and I was advised at the running shop I went to to buy a size 8. I did wonder if they'd slop around, but they're really comfy and I haven't had any toenail issues or similar!

Also, hello everyone! I have got into running recently, and I'm very much enjoying it (to my surprise!) - even though I run really, really slowly! My longest run so far is eight miles, and I have a ten planned for this weekend. I'm also loving, must admit, how much the running is helping with toning the ol' bod!
who_la_hoop said:
Mizkirsty - I am a 6.5-7 too, and I was advised at the running shop I went to to buy a size 8. I did wonder if they'd slop around, but they're really comfy and I haven't had any toenail issues or similar!

Also, hello everyone! I have got into running recently, and I'm very much enjoying it (to my surprise!) - even though I run really, really slowly! My longest run so far is eight miles, and I have a ten planned for this weekend. I'm also loving, must admit, how much the running is helping with toning the ol' bod!

Hi thanks - I've also opted for 8 and they're really comfy too no more blisters yay!!

I'm new to running but doing nowhere near as good as you! I manage in group 4miles but alone can only motivate myself for 2-2.5 I suppose once I reach the shortcut I give in!!! Today in the heat I only managed 1.9 before I gave in and walked!!

How do you keep yourself going?! Xx