Half marathon training

I think I'm just a bit stubborn, lol! I have a training plan, so I'm just following that... and when I get tired I just grit my teeth and carry on until I'm done. I do take a few walk breaks in the longer runs; don't think there's any shame in that :) I find the walk breaks def give me a boost when I start running again!

5 miles (8k) done today! 1 hr 6 mins - see, I told you all I was slow :D Hopefully I will speed up eventually, but I'm not in a rush!
I think I'm just a bit stubborn, lol! I have a training plan, so I'm just following that... and when I get tired I just grit my teeth and carry on until I'm done. I do take a few walk breaks in the longer runs; don't think there's any shame in that :) I find the walk breaks def give me a boost when I start running again!

5 miles (8k) done today! 1 hr 6 mins - see, I told you all I was slow :D Hopefully I will speed up eventually, but I'm not in a rush!

*hi five* another slower paced runner! im also a slow runner :D
Yay! Slow runners unite! :)
as much as id like to be one oft he fast runners, im happy being a slow plod alonger. id sooner take my time and finish a run than go fast speed straight away and burn out during a run.
Yeah, I agree! I would like to be able to run faster, but I think it will come with time - so there's no point in putting pressure on myself to do the physically impossible! Whenever I've run in the past, I've been slow then too, so I don't think I see a career in athletics in my future :D
i like to be able to breathe after i run too! i see people finishing runs and panting for breathe after it...
I think running is a great way to challenge yourself with something that's healthy but not focused on the scales.

That said, I have lost 11lbs in the last month (which is, possibly coincidentally, how long I've been 'training' rather than just doing random workouts at the gym) so I'm certainly not complaining! :)
Summergurl - yes I do the interval training programme on the treadmill - I couldn't time myself and stick to the speeds if it wasn't.

Really happy today I ran 9.4 miles, my longest yet and it wasn't too bad! I decided to take some jelly babies with me and ate 3 during the last 3 miles. They gave me just a small energy boost to get me through the next mile. Think I'll keep those as a regular thing now - they can't affect weight loss that much!! I'm also in the slow runners group. My long runs seem to be a steady 11 min mile pace and if I can run the half marathon at theat pace I will be pleased.
a few people i know are bringing jelly babies to the half marathon in october!
Great run Littlemeercat!!

I always carry Jelly beans when I run. I used to have the lucozade ones, but found Tesco own brand do the same job.
i like the idea of carrrying some jelly babies. if i buy a bag ill eat the lot though!
Gina, that's why I only took 3 with me - I'd eat the lot within the first mile if I took more with me! I have no self control at all!!
signed up for a fitness event at my local gym, it includes either a 5k or a 10k run and i picked the 10k. :Dits before my half marathon so ill use it some training

how do you carry them? sounds a daft question but theyd be squashed in a pocket so do you carry them in a bag?
Ten miles done today! Really pleased that the second half (which was a lot more uphill) only took me two minutes longer than the first half. I officially don't like hills :D

I think I probably need to start trying out fuel options for my longer runs... though if I tried to eat jelly babies I reckon I'd just end up dropping them rather than getting them in my mouth! Wondering if sports drinks would be a better bet initially.
Well done who-la-hoop.

I just stick to sports drinks on my longer runs. Haven't felt the need for anything else.

I'm now three weeks behind on my half marathon training plan due to being ill and then the heat so really need to make a start with it this morning :)
Great run who-la-hoop!!!!

I have made a decision to defer my place at GNR until next year. Two reasons, the first is more financial. Having had to replace my car quickly, our finances took quite a hit. The accommodation and race transfers were £200, so cannot really just justify it at the moment.

The 2nd reason is my lack of training. I have lost motivation again and didn't go out for a run this w/e, so the chances of been ready in time are getting slimmer, which is stressing me out.

I'm not happy about my decision, but I have put a lot of thought into it. My focus is to get back on track and do my own half marathon in October. My goal for the end of the year is to do it under 2 hrs.
Good luck with the run Claire. Take it easy though. Hope your feeling better now. Why are you up so early?? :)
Thanks Shazz. Having trouble sleeping :-(

I'm just going to do a 2.5 mile today, 3.5 miles Wednesday and Friday and 4.5 miles Sunday. Hopefully I'll be fit enough for that and then I shall assess how I'm doing and plan next weeks runs.
Sounds a good plan Claire. You'll soon be back on schedule. :)