Halloween/October Slimfast challenge

Wayhay thats brilliant well done Sarah:):):)

Phoenix 2010.....lose 10 lb....wk 1 lost 4lb wk 2 lost 1lb

fortyandfat.......lose 10 lb....wk 1...sts
claree_x...........lose 10lb.....wk 1...
carrot_tit..........lose 6lb......wk 1...lost 1lb Week 2 lost 3lbs

i have been so good these last 7 days and have not cheated a single time other than rum and coke ;) it just goes to show that if we stick to it we lose weight.
5LBS OFF FOR ME yeeeee haaaaaaaa :D

Phoenix 2010.....lose 10 lb....wk 1 lost 4lb wk 2 lost 1lb
fortyandfat.......lose 10 lb....wk 1...sts wk? lost 5lbs
claree_x...........lose 10lb.....wk 1...
carrot_tit..........lose 6lb......wk 1...lost 1lb Week 2 lost 3lbs

not sure if we on week 2 or 3?!
Wow thats brilliant ,well done and gives me renewed faith actually
only 1 lb for me this week but to be honest Im amazed at that
I cheated quite a bit and did zero exercise
If I stick to it 100% and work out at least 3 times just maybe I will lose 4lb and hit target...maybe!!

Phoenix 2010.....lose 10 lb....wk 1 lost 4lb wk 2 lost 1lb
wk 3 lost 1lb
fortyandfat.......lose 10 lb....wk 1...sts wk? lost 5lbs
claree_x...........lose 10lb.....wk 1...
carrot_tit..........lose 6lb......wk 1...lost 1lb Week 2 lost 3lbs
i wonder if i can do another 5lbs and make the challenge?! doubt it as i am going to start exercising again this week and when i exercise the weight loss slows down! im a weird one lol ;)
well done on your losses so far. come on girls, stick to plan. we can do this xxx
well ive got 4 to lose this week and yesterday and today been royally blowing the plan so not looking good
im also visiting the parents for a couple of days this week and they always have all the yummy stuff in their house which i refuse to buy, like biscuits crisps and cake Oh dear , heaven help me this week
i will have to salsa like theres no tommorrow for 5 days straight to hit this target haha
well sorry folks Ive put on a pound this week
im so mad with myself
fell off the wagon for a full 6 days so i really cant complain
it could have been worse actually
so only lost 5lb of the 10 I was aiming for although there is 2 days left officially so am going to bend the rules a bit and weigh myself monday morning and see if i can undo some of the damage
still aiming for 20lb by xmas so will post new challenge thread soon if you want to join me
Woohoo, have lost another 3lbs this week! Which means i have just hit my target for October. Yay! It also means i have lost 2 stone since starting slimfast!

Phoenix 2010.....lose 10 lb....wk 1 lost 4lb wk 2 lost 1lb wk 3 lost 1lb
fortyandfat.......lose 10 lb....wk 1...sts wk? lost 5lbs
claree_x...........lose 10lb.....wk 1...
carrot_tit..........lose 6lb......wk 1...lost 1lb/Week 2 lost 3lbs/Week 3 gained 1lb/Week 4 lost 3lbs
wow, you guys have done really well
sadly i have not
lost my job a couple of weeks ago and the stress of wondering what the hell im going to do and trying to find a job has meant the diet has gone out the window
anyway, im still 4lb down on my start weight 4 weeks ago so trying to focus on that
i was offered a job yesterday and have a promising interview today so hopefully by next week will be back working and i find it much easier to stick to the plan when i have routine in my day
well enough of the poor me
well done everyone and i hope to catch up with you soon
well done on the 4lbs and good luck with the interviews