Ham crisis!!!

Hahaha!!! :roofles: !!!!! I know the feeling well!!!! We laugh in the face of ham don't we? :rotflmao: !!!!!! xxx
Lol!!! :eatdrink051:I'd stick my tongue out and it'd be gone in a split second!! To think I've been reduced to this ....!!! :beam:
I know, you have made me laugh, i will never look at piece of ham the same way again lol, will be standing at the deli counter chuckling the assistant will think im a lunatic. and its all your fault;)
Ditto!!! I never knew there was so much fun to be had in ham!!! I'm going to try to go to sleep in a minute and I'll probably dream I'm working on a pig farm or something!!!! lol!!! xxx
oh yes get it at source, im all for that ready to get the best cuts, yum yum in my tum of to bed now to try to sleep like you dreaming of ham, probably drooling on my pillow lol - Had a great ham fest cheers:D:):D:):D
Night night Lin!!! Thanks for the chat!!! xxxxx
Been out and bought a 'ham'ster today - hope I don't eat it!!!! :rotflmao: xxx