Hands up if you hate the current Weight Watchers advert

And another PMSL from me Barb.
"It takes half the time" .... WTF?? Cheeky patronising cow!
Absolutely PMSL!!!!! Why am I surprised that you guys share the same feelings as me about it?! I thought I was just being a mardy mare! :p

And Barb, I almost wet myself when I read your post! :cool: :D
And the neighbour who 'as a man' has noticed....

Oh - so on top of everything else, we're now supposed to care what overweight, middle-aged, aesthetically challenged MALE neighbours are 'noticing' about us?
Oh - so on top of everything else, we're now supposed to care what overweight, middle-aged, aesthetically challenged MALE neighbours are 'noticing' about us?

...which is actually rather creepy.
I've just noticed something ...

I really must have issues - even my 'arcade' crown is in a game that has something to do with food!!

Sorry - off topic but I just saw it. ;)
I've just noticed something ...

I really must have issues - even my 'arcade' crown is in a game that has something to do with food!!

Sorry - off topic but I just saw it. ;)

They do sort of look like mince pies:rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
hadn't seen it - one of the advantages of trying to avoid Celebrity Big bro' perhaps?

Just seen it from the link above - it is a really wierd as and (correct me if I'm wrong) but you don't actually see the 'woman' he got back.

The whole aura is one of depressing narrow minds and lives and weather.

By the way, my Chineses are never 'cheeky' - just scrumptious

........ but I do agree - would have been better if the ladt had done the ad , saying I did this for me and now i am the person I WANT TO BE
Good point Mindless. It's as if WW is defining this woman in terms of who she is to other people. We see 'the husband', 'the beautician', 'the niece' etc but as you say, who is this woman to herself?
I think the husband is just glad to have his happy carefree wife back, but I don't like the fact that 'he told her she needed to do something about her life!'

I think it's horrifying that the beautician says it takes half the time to wax her legs. As if it isn't hard enough to go to the beautician as it is without thinking about them saying things like that. Your mind goes into overdrive thinking about all the bitchy comments they may make once you leave.

Hate the 'cheeky Chinese' bit too. (she's very Essex!)

Overall I find the ad. so uninspiring! Where is this happy go lucky woman who has lost so much weight? Is she shown? All those on camera look fairly plump including the beautician (I do approve of her not being a stick!) It just seems to give the impression that everyone else is more preoccupied with our weight than we are ourselves.

I agree it is annoying.

What do you all think of the slimfast one? (Think Adam Ant goody two shoes)

She's full of life but still quite chubby. Is that a good thing?

Dizzy x
It just seems to give the impression that everyone else is more preoccupied with our weight than we are ourselves.

I think you've just hit the nail squarely on the head. I have a feeling that's why it bothers me so much.

I'm also really bothered by the fact that it would hardly affect the time taken to do the waxing (it's not as if she has magically lost half her body hair, or maybe she has and that's why they won't show her on camera), so the beautician's comment is really rather insulting.

Also, if I think about it, if my beautician ever said anything like that about me I'd be tempted to slap her. I'd certainly never go back to the salon. a) it's a remarkably personal comment to make considering that the relationship between beautician and client is strictly a business one, and b) it's just plain bitchy.

I think you've just hit the nail squarely on the head. I have a feeling that's why it bothers me so much.

I'm also really bothered by the fact that it would hardly affect the time taken to do the waxing (it's not as if she has magically lost half her body hair, or maybe she has and that's why they won't show her on camera), so the beautician's comment is really rather insulting.

Also, if I think about it, if my beautician ever said anything like that about me I'd be tempted to slap her. I'd certainly never go back to the salon. a) it's a remarkably personal comment to make considering that the relationship between beautician and client is strictly a business one, and b) it's just plain bitchy.

I so agree. Whatever were Weightwatchers thinking putting that ad out as there big New Year draw. I would be surprised if it pulls anyone in. It would likely affect the motivation and confidence of there members they already have if anything.

Bad business decision Weight Watchers. Very bad move!

Dizzy x
Em, well, I sent WW a message via their website expressing my disgust at the ad....told them that as a previous member that would not make me want to go back at all!! Dont expect a response on it or anything, but felt good to tell them!
It was just on. I wasn't really paying attention buy I'm sure they've edited it. They didn't have the bit about the waxing taking half the time. I bet they've had loads of complaints.

May just be shortened version like they do with some ads but I've a feeling it's not going to be on long. Definitely sends out the opposite message than it should.

Dizzy x
Actually, I've looked at the other ads in the series, which are 'teasers' - each one has someone talking very briefly about the woman as though she were dead. It's downright creepy. As if they see the fat her and the thin her as two separate people. The fat one is dead; long live the thin one!

What a horrible ad campaign. I wonder what agency is behind it.
Wait! I've figured it out! They're talking about her in the past tense because when she lost the weight she improved her self esteem and confidence sufficiently to escape forever from horrible Hockley Rise and its horrible judgemental inhabitants and moved to...oh, I dunno, some other advert. L'Oreal, perhaps, because she's worth it!