Handy Hints Required


Full Member
I've got my shakes and soups ready to start LT on Monday morning.
I've noticed posts refer to additions to shakes and soups to make them more palatable.
I'll admit I haven't tried any yet but was wondering if you LT fans could point me in the right direction RE what I can & can't add.
Thank you!!
PS which breath strips am I allowed lol.
Hiya and welcome aboard. The strips are the Listerine ones.

With regards to additions -

You can add tablet sweetners to all but the soup of course
Coffee - add to Chocolate and Vanilla
Peppermint Tea - add to Chocolate
Some people add Chilli Flakes to the Soup
Nothing you can add to the Flapjacks sadly other than eat them with a hot sweet coffee

Alot of people make the shakes up with around 400mls of water - makes them a bit easier to drink

Drink plenty of water throughout the day - expect to visit the bathroom an awful lot the first few days too

But that is really about it - hope that helps

Good luck on your journey and dont forget to come on here for more help and tips and inspiration.
Also i prefer to have my shakes made with ice cold water or crushed ice as room temp water or tap water doesn't make them taste very nice imo.
If you get bored with normal water, at least 2ltrs then try sparking water for a change, makes you feel fuller too! hth
On average it's a stone a month for women but i lost nearly st and half in first month, good luck with it , it does work hun!
Can I just ask (if you don't mind) ....

We NEVER mind hun, ask anything!!

Also don't be nervous you will be fine and loving LT in no time.:D
Yes a stone a month is very achievable - some women have lost more each month, but you really do have to stick to the diet and be firm with yourself.

That is certainly one way of reminding yourself of your goal - just dont drop your handbag lol.