Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

aw hope you are feeling better soon .LOl had to laugh about tthe bowel movement one before is always a bonus lol
Hi, i found your juddd diary, and due to my lovely insomnia, have jut finished reading it now! You're incredibly inspiring and I love your positive attitude-I too have had a terrible relationship with food for most of my life, and thought I'd broken it when I started a VLCD in April. I managed to lose just over 3.5stone in 11 weeks, but then due to work commitments I had to stop for a couple of months and altho I only put about 11/12lbs on, my food problems have got dramatically worse! I was originally looking into juddd as a refeed plan, but since seeing how well you've done, I'm tempted to just give it a whirl-my current weight is similar to your start weight so it's nice to see your success. Thanks for the inspiration x Jo x (and sorry for rambling excessively in your diary)
Welshtigger said:
Hi, i found your juddd diary, and due to my lovely insomnia, have jut finished reading it now! You're incredibly inspiring and I love your positive attitude-I too have had a terrible relationship with food for most of my life, and thought I'd broken it when I started a VLCD in April. I managed to lose just over 3.5stone in 11 weeks, but then due to work commitments I had to stop for a couple of months and altho I only put about 11/12lbs on, my food problems have got dramatically worse! I was originally looking into juddd as a refeed plan, but since seeing how well you've done, I'm tempted to just give it a whirl-my current weight is similar to your start weight so it's nice to see your success. Thanks for the inspiration x Jo x (and sorry for rambling excessively in your diary)

You're more than welcome to ramble in my diary :p

I did a vlcd for a very short time and turned into a carb crash monster afterwards. I knew it wasn't for me but in desperation I tried and failed a few times. I know now in hindsight that vlcds just don't work for me. I'm settling into the slow and steady losses but I find juddd second nature now so it's all good. If I stopped now I think I'd actually miss it! :)

It's nice to see some more people with a lot to lose on here, you should do fine on juddd if you give it a try xx

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Sat 255.1
Sun 255.8 (+0.7 post up day)

Nice! Hopefully should head for a good loss this week with my only full up day having such a small gain. :)

Up breakfast up lunch, and fasting from 5. Looking forward to the fast oddly.

I'm off all week so could be a challenge for my fasts. Will hopefully be busy on Monday as me and mum are going to gut the house and clean everything. On tues and wed I'll be at my anxiety management workshop (really looking forward to that) and I don't know what's happening on Friday... I don't struggle with evening fasts at all (today Tuesday and thursday) so I think the challenge will be the all day fasts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

This is where I really have to prove to myself that I can do this forever. in the past having time off work took away my structure and I usually wrecked my week diet wise, so I imagine it will be testing.

I've got a big cross stitch project to do so I'll have to work on it a lot and that should keep me away from the kitchen lol xx

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Know what you mean about weeks off...it's when my whole idea of dieting falls apart, personally. I do think, though, that you can do it, Han. It's clear how much drive and determination you've got on JUDDD, and given how happy you clearly are with this lifestyle then I'd be surprised if anything threw you off track with JUDDD.
The cross-stitch will help. Know from experience that the whole world can stop to exist when doing that, and you still can carry on stitching. Says the guy who carried on doing his while watching tele, and sewed it into his shirt accidentally... lol. Really nice pattern you're working on, too. :) Coming along very well. xx
Lol you sewed it into your shirt... Hilarious!

I've attached a pic of what I'm working on too :)

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I used to love cross stitching :) x
Hi, I've just started my first fast (5pm). I read on another thread how you explained it bit can't find the thread ie 5pm-5pm. If I do this alternate then thurs I'll be due to start fasting at 5 but going out for meal! Shall I just take it easy all day thurs and fast after 10pm instead?? Any ideas?! I have a hen night sat too but don't want a hangover sun so will prob be sensible. Ish. thansk
I started yesterday following your pattern so yesterday was uud and then today is ddu-hope that's right! So far so good-thanks for the inspiration xx
hannata said:
Sat 255.1
Sun 255.8 (+0.7 post up)
Mon 256.6 (+0.8 post uud) +1.5

1.5 after the weekend, not bad at all :)

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That's a great post wknd WI. My turn....... :sick0019:

17 lost : 50 to goal
Have officially joined the gym as of today..... Only £26 a month in my fitness first! I paid nearly a tenner more per month the last time i was a member... Times must be hard!

Have decided on routine...

Sat - up up up *
Sunday - up up down *
Monday - down down up
Tuesday - up up down *
Wednesday - down down up
Thursday - up up down *
Friday - down down up

Starred days are ones I can safely do. Normally I'm only able to go to gym after work (5) at weekdays, so not risking going to gym on ddu.. As its the end of my 24 hrs. On my uud I'll be able to eat a good lunch to fuel me without being bloated, and have a protein shake after workout. They're only normally 100 cals so negated in the fact that 1/ I'll have burned it off and 2/ I fast on DDs so theorectically still have my 500 to play with. Saturday is a normal day, and Sunday I can hit the gym in the morning/lunch time.

Going to set myself a compulsory 2 days a week. Not going too mad on it as I get too excited and then burn out very quickly. 2 or 3 days a week will be enough to justify the cost and enough to keep a steady momentum going. :)

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Fantastico han! Really uber positive step :)
Oh yeah and I am freeeeeeeakin hungry. Roll on 5 god damnit this day is slow!!!!!

We're having a freezer buffet here... Raided the freezer and got a lot of random stuff to cook that needed used. Couple of oven pizzas, chips, wedges, waffles and some wheaten...lol random xxxx

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