Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

If I can maintain this loss for tomorrow that will be my 2 stone!!! Started at 20 stone this time 13 weeks ago!!! Just realised!! 2 stone guys!!!! 2 freaking stone!!!! :D xxxx

The best part about it is... I'm still running on full power. Any other diet and I'd be getting complacent and thinking oh I can break my diet look how far I've come, but no, I'm completely on track to decimate the next 2 stone :D xx

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:party0019:Woweeeee! 2 stone awesome:party0019:

Congrats!! on the 17's too! There's no stopping you now:D
Shake it shake it!

Every day I'm juddering!

Gonna have a really well behaved ddu today, not gonna eat loads! I'm only doing it cause ive got all day tomorrow as up. Might be a good habit to get into on a Friday. More worried about the pounds I'll be spending tonight at pampered chef, rather than the pounds i will or won't lose ha x

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Ooo pampered chef is too nice LOL

Your doing amazing hun, wish I could get my head round things. Am trying to keep at it and not worry about the calories!

Your so inspiring Xx
I never count cals. The only time I would consider them is if I was on a fast and *needed* food, which only happened once since I've changed to full fasting. (I was pretty poorly that day)

Other than that I just try to keep a bit of sense. My portions aren't controlled but I do find eating a good meal will have me less likely to run to the junk food. I'd rather go for a second scoop of mash or another slice of pizza than eat a multipack of chocolate bars if that makes sense. X

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Shaky shaky shakkkkkyyy :D

Feeling very motivated for tomorrow and hoping for a wee tiny loss.

Been reading a very interesting article about beating my inner chimp; apparently the inner chimp is the wee bit inside of you that craves food, sex and instant gratification. The one that dislikes the long term work, for the long term goals. Apparently its a big thing with the team GB cyclists.

This is the most useful part of the article (hope you can read it!) but I identified a lot with it. I think there is a part about pride in it; if you tell someone you won't have any pudding your chimp pride will not let you do it. All very interesting!

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alottolose said:
Yup just ate a banana, my inner chimp is alive and well :D x


My inner chimp wanted some celebrations I went over and had a look at them for a while until my inner human came back lol

I think juddd works well with this theory because you are nearly compromising, inner chimp gets some indulgence and inner human gets the satisfaction of success. It's basically a tug of war between the logical human and the chimp who wants instant gratification :) x

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My inner chimp is getting it's own way a lot today :eek:....it's contemplating doing without dinner and eating bad things to total calories for the day :eek:....eeek! x
hannata said:
Wee Betty is a darlin :D

She sits up there on the sofa where the picture was taken, and squeaks at me when she wants fussed. She loves loves attention :D xx

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Monty is a squeaker lol