Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

AND I perved at a big bar of Aero (belonging to my bro) and then just left it where it is, victory! Perving is the way forward :) x
Caroline_Louise said:
AND I perved at a big bar of Aero (belonging to my bro) and then just left it where it is, victory! Perving is the way forward :) x

That's a triple yay!!! :) Must say I did perve a little bit at your bro's picture on FB the other night CL ;-) Sorry if that's very inappropriate but dammit that boys hot! ;-) xx
Haha A thats you and every single other friend of mine, I'm quite used to it by now! I'm biased but he is a lovely looking chap :) x
Ohhh I wanna perv!!!! Lol

My body is aching like a beeeeeeeeeeeech. I think the next few weeks are gonna be a challenge.. The old me would probably have taken this challenge as a reason to fail, but coping ok. Bit scared but I'm trying. Im in the weight danger zone too. Could never get much past the mid/late 17 stones without failing. So ive a lot to prove here. I really see this coming up as a pivotal point... Yeah I've done good so far but I've been here so many times before. Getting past this bit will really prove that I can. I'm unleashing a new me that's never been seen before and it's daunting. And kinda thrilling. :eek:

Just gotta take one step at a time and not overwhelm myself with too much. Kinda glad tomorrow is a fasting day cause I won't have to worry about lowering the carbs etc just yet. Will have to get the brain in gear tonight and work out how I'm gonna do this bad boy tomorrow.

Gonna hit the hay, much loves everybody, thanks for keeping me sane for yet another day, can't thank every one of you enough xxxxxxxxxx

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hannata said:
Yes I figured better that than not bothering lol. I think he was impressed if a lil grossed out lol. Gonna give his spin a go on Saturday and hopefully won't be sick.

Got a meeting with my new pt today, we're gonna go over everything and he'll suggest a diet and workouts to do. Am looking forward to it :D

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Seriously I know some pts and gym buffs they are always impressed by puke :)
Caroline_Louise said:
Haha A thats you and every single other friend of mine, I'm quite used to it by now! I'm biased but he is a lovely looking chap :) x

Lol yeah everyone fancies my baby bro too lol
Great work han.

Just remember, if you are eating less than before and exercising, it is physically impossible for you not lose so don't panic about ur 'barrier.'
Mixing things up a bit is good though as our bods need to be 'shocked' every once in a while when sticking to a plan.
Rome wasn't built in a day and you don't need to do everything all at once. Just keep going, sounds like ur head is really in the right place :) xxx
I bought that magazine Hannah. Just trying to make my way through it, haven't oft to that article yet. Kids getting in way lol looks like a.good magazine :)
Thanks for the lovely reply CL :) I think it's more of a mental barrier than anything. I agree about the shake up too, but I find that sometimes it's a rocky road before you start seeing results! I started my split days and over the first 3 weeks I had an sts but then lost a massive great wodge of weight the week after. Just got to have faith like you say :) xx

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So part two of the first weeks fast. Today I'm a ddu. Decided to take a walk around the building today on my break (we're attached to a cinema so it's a good 6 min walk) in the hope of getting the hr up and revving the aul metabolism. Got some cold water with a lemon & ginger teabag. Looks like dirty aul water but tastes decent x

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You are doing REALLY well Hann...you should not doubt yourself because you have a great attitude and there is absolutely no reason why you should not succeed this time! You are doing all the right things and more so just be patient & let JUDDD do the biz!!!
JillyCornwall said:
You are doing REALLY well Hann...you should not doubt yourself because you have a great attitude and there is absolutely no reason why you should not succeed this time! You are doing all the right things and more so just be patient & let JUDDD do the biz!!!

Thank yoooou :3 xxxx

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Your amazing I get in a right flapper LOL hatched a plan for this week sticking to it!!

Mmmmm love lemon n ginger Xx
RebekahR said:
Your amazing I get in a right flapper LOL hatched a plan for this week sticking to it!!

Mmmmm love lemon n ginger Xx

Good! I'm in the process of hatching a plan. Gonna low carb the two weekday breakfast and lunch that I do eat. Just taking it step by step even if I can only ever do that it'll be better than eating junk instead!

I hate fruit/herb teas hot but they seem to be a lil more tolerable cold. Might add a wee slice of lemon for a tiny bit of zing xx

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Definitely they fruit/herbal teas are much much nicer cold (especially with a large dash of gin in them!). The lemon & ginger one is also good for the tum, apparently, as the ginger aids with digestion...so yay for that. Pity it looks (although it doesn't taste like, I'd hope) the muddy waters of the Ganges after someone's had a bath in it. Quite like the nettle & peppermint one they do, personally. ;)