Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

I'm chilling out in the gym lounge, not really in any hurry to leave as I like the atmosphere in here and it's away from fooooood.

Didn't have a particularly long session in the gym today but I figured going and getting the old heart going and a lil bit of burn is enough... (I'm still a bit achey)

Started my fast today at 5, well I had a protein shake but I don't really *count* it as I'm sure I burn at least 150 cals even in a little session lol x

Im feeling very positive and changing things up a lil every week seems to really work for me. Adding a bit more exercise, changing the kind of things I eat, but still having the all important juddd factor of not feeling neglected with my treats. I had a Jordan's raisin nut bar and banana pre fast instead of lots of junk. Nice wee achievement there. I feel tired but in a good way and this chair is super comfy lol xx

Love you all and thanks for the continued support it really keeps me going xxx

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Glad most people are being lovely to you Han, you're doing so great :)
hannata said:
Yeah I can ignore the odd twat, all that really matters is I have my immediate family support and you guys here xx

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That is what's important but also if there weren't twats around you wouldn't appreciate the nice people so much ;)
DustQueen said:
That is what's important but also if there weren't twats around you wouldn't appreciate the nice people so much ;)

Lol DQ i love your theory, I would also just keep rubbing him up the wrong way as he seems to enjoy it! . Lol
It bloody irritates me though. People sticking their ore in over things they haven't bothered to find out about properly. Twats are born of ignorance! Xx
Caroline_Louise said:
It bloody irritates me though. People sticking their ore in over things they haven't bothered to find out about properly. Twats are born of ignorance! Xx

Yeah that's the thing, he obviously hasn't even looked into the effects of fasting if he thinks 5:2 is ok but not 4:3 or even true alternation :/

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I am also burnt mc burn, and tomoz i will most likely be walking like a cow boy! X
Hey Han, wow you're getting on well with your exercise, it's lovely to see how determined you are.

I also love how you & A post pics of random hotties on here, now I can perve over hunky guys as well as food porn ;)
hannata said:
Someone will be thinking that you got lucky last night if you get on like that ;) xx

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God, i bloody wish! X
emmster said:
Hey Han, wow you're getting on well with your exercise, it's lovely to see how determined you are.

I also love how you & A post pics of random hotties on here, now I can perve over hunky guys as well as food porn ;)

Hotties wooooooo.

Ive been having a bit of male drama lately.. A guy I know from years ago wants to hook up but strictly no strings, (which I can't do, I'm a sap like that) and he thinks I'm like drop dead gorgeous or smth.... God knows what's wrong with him. But anyway heres a pic lol

This is my type pretty much to a tee (and yes he photoshopped his eyes lol)

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He is definitely one hot dude! I hate the whole 'no strings' **** though - I once tried it with some arrogant guy I reaaly liked. Inevitably it just ended with me getting hurt (& also thinking I obviously wasn't gd enough, too fat etc. etc., which didn't help my self esteem)

I would say don't go there (unless all you wanted was a bit of fun & you were sure of that). You're gorgeous & an amazing girl so deserve someone who will value you & make you feel great about yourself, not mess you around. Just my two peneth worth, feel free to ignore as I don't have an amazing track record with relationship stuff!

Ps. At least he's right about something - you're defo drop dead gorgeous :)
emmster said:
He is definitely one hot dude! I hate the whole 'no strings' **** though - I once tried it with some arrogant guy I reaaly liked. Inevitably it just ended with me getting hurt (& also thinking I obviously wasn't gd enough, too fat etc. etc., which didn't help my self esteem)

I would say don't go there (unless all you wanted was a bit of fun & you were sure of that). You're gorgeous & an amazing girl so deserve someone who will value you & make you feel great about yourself, not mess you around. Just my two peneth worth, feel free to ignore as I don't have an amazing track record with relationship stuff!

Ps. At least he's right about something - you're defo drop dead gorgeous :)

Hahahaha i just think he needs to be admitted to a psych ward to be fair....

The big thing is he's in a relationship too, claiming that it's an empty one but still it's a relationship nonetheless. I can't turn off my feelings like that as much as I'd be so tempted to. I really want the full package, not just a bit of fun. And I'd end up hurt too just like you did. Also massive red alert don't touch him with a barge pole if he's willing to cheat on his current woman, regardless of how happy they are or aren't!!!!

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He's hot han but tbh he sounds like a bit of an arse! I cant do no strings either, jus not confident enough and i end up feeling insecure and line a bit of a ho bag! Never enter into anything if u think theres the chance it may get u hurt or make u feel bad, because chances are it will.

Give me gsoh over good looks any day! Xxx

He'd be bloody lucky to have u so none of that silly talk
Must be said that "no strings attached" isn't worth the stress. Someone I once had a crush on wanted that at one point (Han you'll know who I mean!), and I must say I ran a mile at that suggestion...it just ends up with someone being hurt, as it's incredibly hard in my opinion to divorce emotion from things in such a way to make an nsa thing work. That an that he's already in a relationship he's willing to "cheat" on is disturbing...do it once, and he'd do it again!

I must also add that any man would be very very lucky to be with you, Han.