Harry's 2013 Diary...

Hope you're OK Harry. Keep us updated.
Oh no !
I hope all is okay xxx
Oh no Harry, hope all's well hun :hug99: xx
Morning Harry. How's your son this morning? Saw on fb you said he was on crutches.
Morning Everyone.
Thanks lynn for your concern. Yeah he is on crutches :-( and in lot of pain.
We had really good day yesterday and won the tournament but in last match opposition boy jumped up for same ball and landed on my boys foot. Doctors said they can't see any fracture cause his foot was swallon but it could be.
Called us again for x ray in ten days time. I am sure there is some serious damage as we can see it.
Diet wise whole day I had bar and 2litre of water. But then 5hours in hospital and one bar wasn't enough for 13hours or so. I was upset and fed up so I had wine and pizza.i am not upset about it cause I knew what I was doing and at that point I needed it.
So here I am back on track.
hope he's OK. I wouldn't worry about the pizza and wine either. You had more important things to think about. Hope you stay on track today. Setting off now for Huddersfield race for life now. It will take me 2.5 hours just to get there. See you later.
Hey harry hope yr days have got better.tis rubbish when u have bad days and ive had a fair few of them!
I hope your son is better soon Harry :)
How's your son. Is he any better?
Good morning Harry, sorry to read about your sons injury. Hope he's on the mend and you're both feeling much better today xx
Is everything ok?
Good morning Harry, hope all is well hun xx
Sorry guys for late reply.
I sprained my back on Sunday.
My son need our help to move him around so my back is gone.
Diet wise I was 100% yesterday and now I am having shake. As I said before july will be my month. Now I am off to work I will check every ones diary after work.
Today's weight check 15s/0.5lbs :-(
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You're not having much luck. Hpefully things will look up from now. Stay on track and you'll soon be back in the 14s!
There is not many things worse than a bad back.
Aww Harry. I hope you feel better soon