Have We Entered The Cheating Zone

If it was as easy as just saying 'oops, I'm getting a bit fat, I'll just give up solid food for a couple months and hey presto, I'm thin again' none of us would be obese in the first place, even those who have found it possible to stick to the plan 100% (and jolly well done if you have).

I think the reason people post here when they have strayed from their diet, whatever plan it may be is;

1) writing the problem down and admitting it to others (which is a hard thing to do) can stop you just carrying on ie/ having 3 biscuits and writing on here 'i just had 3 sodding biscuits' and putting it behind you, rather than chosing not to acknowledge what you are doing until it becomes 8 biscuits and 2 bags of crisps, then feeling awful about it.

2) I don't think it's sympathy people are after, it's just that we all live in our own brains 24/7, and it can be so easy to get confused about what we are doing and why, and really objectively put things in perspective. I don't think anyone here does respond with 'poor you', or 'for god's sake pull yourself together' - the usual encouragement of 'don't worry too much, put it behind you and get back on track, and remember why you are doing this' is good advice and a good middle ground.

3) Why so many posts - even though there may be 10 other posts saying 'i cheated etc etc', reading the responses to those sometimes isn't enough and people need to post their own, just so you can feel that your own voice has been heard by someone in the same situation as you, and you are not alone, and the fact that another person has taken the time to offer words of help to you personally can be so meaningful, especially for those who don't have great suport at home. Same goes for when celebrating successes.

We may all be on the same diet, but we're all different individuals with different experiences of it, and rather than judging others for how they are dealing with their weight, I think members on this site are wonderful for offering support and understanding regardless, and we can all learn from each other in this way.

that's my 2 cents anyhow!:D

If it was as easy as just saying 'oops, I'm getting a bit fat, I'll just give up solid food for a couple months and hey presto, I'm thin again' none of us would be obese in the first place, even those who have found it possible to stick to the plan 100% (and jolly well done if you have).

I think the reason people post here when they have strayed from their diet, whatever plan it may be is;

1) writing the problem down and admitting it to others (which is a hard thing to do) can stop you just carrying on ie/ having 3 biscuits and writing on here 'i just had 3 sodding biscuits' and putting it behind you, rather than chosing not to acknowledge what you are doing until it becomes 8 biscuits and 2 bags of crisps, then feeling awful about it.

2) I don't think it's sympathy people are after, it's just that we all live in our own brains 24/7, and it can be so easy to get confused about what we are doing and why, and really objectively put things in perspective. I don't think anyone here does respond with 'poor you', or 'for god's sake pull yourself together' - the usual encouragement of 'don't worry too much, put it behind you and get back on track, and remember why you are doing this' is good advice and a good middle ground.

3) Why so many posts - even though there may be 10 other posts saying 'i cheated etc etc', reading the responses to those sometimes isn't enough and people need to post their own, just so you can feel that your own voice has been heard by someone in the same situation as you, and you are not alone, and the fact that another person has taken the time to offer words of help to you personally can be so meaningful, especially for those who don't have great suport at home. Same goes for when celebrating successes.

We may all be on the same diet, but we're all different individuals with different experiences of it, and rather than judging others for how they are dealing with their weight, I think members on this site are wonderful for offering support and understanding regardless, and we can all learn from each other in this way.

that's my 2 cents anyhow!:D


And what a very good 2 cents it was, I think your post was very astute and put into words my sentiments exactly :D
I have to say sometimes when u read threads saying i ate this and that and didnt put weight on it makes u think ohhh ill just have this and that i have been picking recently and thats why im taking time out from the forum to get my head back in this diet. Should be back next week xxxxxxxxxx
Can I just say that I think we use the word 'cheat' as a generic term; it's short, easy to spell and conveys the message that we have done something that we shouldn't have: which when on SS is the truth.

It does worry me sometimes what people will use as an example of 'cheating' because in some cases it's not something that I would think of as a 'cheat'. I personally have used non carb foods a lot on CD to stop me from giving in to other foods. But these are things we learn over time.

Some will perceive 'cheating' to be the matter of eating anything at all because it is at odds with what the diet tells us to do. I see it more as 'surviving' rather than 'cheating' but then I have done this diet before and learnt many valuable lessons along the way.

We each have to find our own way and support each other to the best of our abilities.
Can I just say that I think we use the word 'cheat' as a generic term; it's short, easy to spell and conveys the message that we have done something that we shouldn't have: which when on SS is the truth.


I still prefer the word 'pause' :D
I think it is a bit judgemental really, just because someone has stuck to this 100% ( and very well done for that, I admire you greatly because it is bloody hard!!!!), they must of had diet slip up's in the past or they wouldn't be on a diet this strict now.

If it is a post thats about people's slip up's then just ignore them but this forum is meant to be about support, not judgement.
Mmmmm. Well i had come on here this morning hoping to find a bit of support & renewed vigour for CD as i've had a bummer of a weekend.

Yes this weekend i've eaten, slipped, paused, cheated call it what you like. Not by much but still it has happened and i feel crap. All weekend I've felt like my enthusiasm, drive & determination has hit rock bottom. I dont know why i feel like this and worse still i dont know how to get myself out of it & back in the zone. I've had to dig very deep and i'm having the mother of all battles with my personal food demons to stop it getting out of hand and leading to a full blown diet breakdown.

Externalising how I feel about my relationship with food is a big thing for me, and i'm sure many others. I'm one of those people who's in the past been " well if no-one saw me eat it & if no-one knows I ate it, then i didnt eat it" iykwim and i'm desperately trying to change that.
I have no family in this country and few friends locally being quite new to the area so have no immediate support network. No-one i can "externalise" to. Thats one of the reasons this site has been a god-send to me.

So, after all that waffling i've just done, what i'm trying to say is threads like this just make me want to put up & shut up. Say nothing and let the cycle continue and let the food demons rattle around creating merry havoc in my head.

Trust me when i say that I dont want sympathy if i stray from the straight & narrow. For me if that has happened, its been a head issue, not being in the zone, the groove. By externalising what's going on in my head i hope more that someone else's experiences, way of thinking, or approach to being in a similar situation might just give me that "lightbulb" moment, might trigger something in my subconcious that will make me think "yes, I CAN do this".
I certainly dont want a pat on the back or congratulations for feeling weak but conversely i really dont need to be told to shut up & get on with it. And if thats what this forum is about then maybe its not the place for me and i'm quite sad about that.

Once again apologies for the hugely overlong post.
Ahhh just ignore me lol. I'm just generally feeling blue & down in the dumps :(

I know the general air on the forum is one of support, which is why i seem to struggle more when i haven't been able to come on here (like last week - struggling this weekend past - see a pattern forming??? lol)

I'd also like to apologise :wave_cry: - i didnt mean my post to trivialise or not acknowledge the wonderful support given on a daily basis.

Yours, Grouchy-ass Karen :eek:
I may be wrong, forgive me if I am but interestingly the original poster Scousemouse doesn't appear to have made any other comments other than the original posts? To me that illustrates of the points many of the forum, the support here is amazing whether you stick to CD or any other diet 100% or whether, you slip, plan, cheat, deviate. The reason we do it - head stuff/food. I didn't have a good weekend either as far as food was concerned I moved up to the 810 plan and in a way found it tricker than SS because I found I slipped too much! Hopefully just need to get the hang of portion size (difficult to weigh stuff when out and about.