Haven't quite started yet


Full Member
Hi guys, I've recently graduated from Uni and saw the photos of me in my cap and gown... Horrendous! This spurred me on to start (and hopefully succeed!) in loosing weight. I have been a member of Slimming World before and the plans were so easy to follow with good results that I will be starting again.

The only problem is due to financial difficulties I won't be able to actually go to meetings. I'll be using my books from the last time I joined and the support of this forum!

But I need to wait for my books to arrive by post! So in the mean time I need to buy a weighing scales (both for me and one for the food) and I am reading at all the amazing tips and support in this forum.

Last time I lacked motivation and was easily swayed by junk! :sigh:

I ideally would like to be a size 10, not a topshop 10.. more like a dorothy perkins 10. As I'm only 5ft I think this would be the right size for my height. Once I have weighed I will find out how much I'd like to loose but I currently don't own a weighing scales.

I'm quite nervous to start it as I'm a rather fussy eater and don't really like to spend hours in the kitchen making food. I'd much rather bung something in the oven for half an hour then its done.

Just have to wait for the books now...
Thanks, Good luck to you too!
Welcome to the forum! Good luck with the diet! :)
Eating healthily and cooking from scratch doesn't need to mean spending hours and hours in the kitchen or using every pot and utensil you own! I would recommend getting one of the magazines as a start, you can follow the 7 day eating plan and start experimenting with some of the recipies. You will see that each recipe will have an indication of how easy it is and how long it will take to make. Start of with the easy ones and work your way up as your confidence grows!
I would say if you don't like cooking much make a load of meals in one go then freeze them. That way you don't have to cook as often and just just defrost and eat.
Good luck on your journey! I'm also only five foot and I know every pound shows. I know what you mean about a top shop 10 - I aim for a M&S 10 - much easier!!! Baked potato's are a brilliant no-cook option. Just pop in the oven, leave for 1 hour and then serve with low fat cottage cheese, tuna, sweetcorn and some salad!

I've substituted fruit for junk, although don't forget your syns so your can have a small packet of crisps (walkers baked for example) and a two finger kitkat and keep well within your daily syn allowance.
Thanks for all your replies!
I have recently got this months edition of slimming world magazine and will try some of the recipes in there to start off with.
I also forgot how easy a jacket potato was to make! that would be a easy meal to make after a long days work. My work hours are all over the place so making more than needed and freezing meals would also help! thanks for the tips!