Having a hungry day

Having a bit of struggle today. Decided to go to the cinema to see epic with the fiancé. Took my bar. Got a coke zero. And now... There is a child next to me with a huge cup of sweets, popcorn and his sister has ice cream.... Oh my days. Willpower dont fail me now!
I did it! Although I'm not gonna lie it was a close one I could have sneaked a sweet when he wasn't looking lol! Thank goodness is saved my bar xx
Well done :D
Good for you x
Well done BB. I managed last weekend and it wasn't so bad. Luckily my OH was a dear and didn't have anything either. Certainly feels better knowing weigh-in day is successful because I resisted an unhealthy snack :) Think Thin! Lol
Thanks guys! Chelly the film was lovely, I cried twice! Xx