healthy eating advice - recipes etc.


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new to the forum.

I've been trying to lose weight for a long time, even though i'm 18. I tried dieting over the last couple of years but it never worked, the minute i eat normally again,i put it straight back on.

when i was 12/13 i moved to France, didn't eat breakfast (i know very bad) had hardly anything for lunch (max a bread roll & a bit of salad) & then ate whatever me & my mum wanted when we got home, & i mean whatever, such as pizza & chips etc. I lost 4 stone in the first 6 months & kept it off i think mostly because of the exercise i did when i got my horse, riding at least 5 times a week & also class sport lessons 3 times a week & on the days i wasnt at school i was on the yard all day. i'd never been as happy with my weight as i was when i came back from France.

Once i came back i put the weight back on plus more. & now just can't shift it. I am starting back at the gym now after having to do as little as possible exercise on one knee as of falling down stairs, & i cant wait to go back & get going again as i loved it!

the problem is food wise. i have just split up with my boyfriend of 2 years who's always done the cooking as i'm a TERRIBLE cook, seriously bad. i need ideas of healthy, quick meals as of working late/long hours & forever not having enough time.

On most days i have:
breakfast - 2 slices of buttered toast, sometimes cereal (only frosties) but mostly toast at about 7.30am
lunch - depending on time & how hungry i feel, either toast & jam, or some sort of sandwich, either tuna mayo, or ham or cheese. All at work on the go. Ranging from 11am - 3pm
Dinner - used to be attempting to have meat, potatoes + lots of veg, & worked quite well, though sometimes we did have other like sweet & sour chicken etc.

but i do end up snacking on the go, which is a big part of the problem (any comments or ideas very welcome!)

I'm a bit of a fussy eater, i tend to have a lot of bread, pasta or potato, i don't like seeds, oats etc. but need quick & easy as of lack of time & skill in the kitchen! also cheap but i think thats everyone!

any comments, ideas, even recommendations of diets even though i do tend to try to eat healthily so i can maintain it.

i really need help.


Also if anyone is in the same boat or was. Or would just like the help & motivation & someone to talk to, please be happy to message me.
Hey! i dnt know if your still on here but let me know if u are! be good to chat! im 19! :)
The only advice I can give you is to not eat anything with more that 4% fat except for lean meats, oily fish, eggs & oats & seeds/nuts.

Watch your portion sizes and try to go for brown/wholegrain options rather than white... ooh and if you like to eat sweet potatoes try to have them in place of ordinary potatoes where you can cos they're low Gi and keep you fuller for longer.

Healthy cooking is easy and the internet is rife with easy low fat recipes... you just gotta google :)
Im mostly watching the portion sizes, lots of fresh veg and fruits and watching the carbs and callories of meals. Im cooking from a few books, a vegetarian one (dishes from around the world), so getting plenty of seads, nuts and pulses and a weight watchers book but just going by the callories rather than counting points.
Well I'm Veggie so I try to make up big batches of home made Vegetable Curry and Quorn Spaghetti Bol Sauce, which I then freeze , keeps it cheap and cheerful plus it saves me from caving in and being naughty as there is ALWAYS something ready in the Freezer, so no excuses !!!!

I have also cut down on the bread and pasta I eat as I have noticed that makes a difference to me. this week so far I have had Veggie Curry with rice and naan, homemade rustic low fat potato wedges and Spanish omelette, indian Marsala burgers with a big green salad and a roasted vegetable type of roast dinner....I'm not a great cook, hehehe !!!!