Heffalump to Slinky: Journey to Less of Me

Yum yum yum!
Thanks for the recp! Would love to use wraps for a chilli, can't believe I'd never thought of that before! Couscous is SO easy to cook.. although hello I never realised how many syns were in the damn packets! Fear not my sweet... there is now a post it in my diary with all the syn values.. and I'm currently writting out a spreadsheet for myself.. may even extend to a pasta n' sauce section. haha.

I'm rolling with green days too at the moment. Feel it will be easier to stay ridigdly on track this way.. and of course going back to basics. Do feel I'm not having enough veg though, but will work on that. HELLO CABBAGE!

Thanks for ally your help btw. Still have your card in my office draw.. but don't seem to have an address on it.. am so blonde. Maybe I lost it?!

ANYWAY! Don't feel bad about the diet coke - I have TWO cans in the fridge and one on my desk! Hadn't had any for ages then my Mum bought us two boxes (for Leeds) not knowing we had purchased cider.. and pepsi max.. and diet lemonade...

It's no excuse - I know!

Food sounds lovely, get you with your lovely french jam. Red and white lid on the jar?
I love jam. I do.

Thanks for the link to S1 jobs also, shall be looking at that!
Have a stallar day :p:p:p:p:p

Hee - yep it's the Bonne Maman with the Red and White checked lid, but it's Mirabelle which is a flavour you can't buy here (it's a small yellow plum. SO GOOD, almost worth getting up out of bed for...).

I can FB you my addy again, if you want? Remind me, I'm a bit slow :D

Getting enough veggies in is an issue with me on Green, too - on red it's easy because I have them to fill me up (and take up the "carb" space as it were, roast carrots and squash, anyone?) but on green I just eat more carbs...

I've been trying to actively up my veggies, but I'm still relying far more on fruit for my SF than I do on Red and I think my losses suffer for it. I've added wodges of veg to my fried rice, so that's good, but I need to really think about it for my other meals (and stop counting baked beans as a veg. They're really not, even if they're ss).

Lovely friend is over safely and we had a really good catch up last night and this morning over breakfast :D - she's over to Edinburgh today and tommorrow but I'll see her at night and first thing and I get her all day on sunday, which is really about the perfect amount of time, I think. She brought me GORGEOUS marzipan liqueur sweeties that I need to try and work out some syns for (goodness knows how, anyone got any thoughts?) and then I'll see how long I can make them last... maybe I'll turn into my grandmother who could make a box of choccies last over a month by having one a night until they were done. I suspect they're more enjoyable when you're not stuffing them down as if it's a fire-sale, too...wish me luck :p.

My boss let yesterday slide, thank God, so I'm glad that I had to get up a decent hour today to send my friend off for her day in Edinburgh (I was up early enough that we had a really nice sociable breakfast and I was still in work an hour before I usually am. I feel like I've achieved something today!)

Green Day today (because that's how I'm rolling right now :D)

Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (kept balance for coffee & tea)
Pear cubes SFree

Elderly Banana SFree

Veggie fried Rice Free

Pears & Plums SFree

Pasta Bake HexA (or half of one, anyway)


LCL 3Syns or other half HexA depending

That's the plan, anyway, although I did a bunch of cooking last night whilst I was waiting for her to arrive, so I've got choices and I may add a costa into the mix, I shall see.

Have a delightful friday :D

I had a really lovely weekend with my friend (and spent all my weekend's syns on haggis and wine. It was a worthwhile combination :D).

Anyway, wine wasn't awesome for my kidney (which is why I didn't have much of it) but it didn't stop me being out and doing things (including wandering around the World War Z set in Glasgow city centre yesterday, which was ridiculously exciting :D) and all my syns were planned and within limits. I've been a wee bit faily about getting in all my HExA&Bs over the weekend, but I was really out of my routine, and I'm back in it now, so I'm not overly stressing.

Now I just need to not binge on the lovely chocolates she brought me, or the 12 packets of crisps my parents brought me back from ireland... (Crisps are DANGEROUS for me, but it's a good thing, I think, to learn to deal with them).

Today is a green day:

Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (kept balance for coffee & tea)
Pear cubes SFree

Grapes SFree

Pasta Bake 1/2 HexA

Pears & Plums SFree

Baked potato and cheesy beans HexB


Cocolate 5Syns

(which makes me at 11.5syns, 2 HExbs and 1.5 HExAs, which is fine).

Have an awesome one :D

Woke up this morning to discover water coming through my bathroom ceiling AGAIN (it happened on thursday morning, too. In fact I'm pretty sure it happens every time the tenant has a shower, but she keeps very different hours to me and I haven't been able to stay in and check and her landlord is all very blase and basically neither of them were willing to do any kind of experimenting whilst the water was not coming in to see what MADE it come in. The landlord thinks it's just because she pours water all over the floor when she showers, which it might be, I suppose. In which case: SEAL THE BATH BETTER AND GET A SHOWER CURTAIN THAT WORKS). UHRG. I had to leave the flat while there was still water pouring down the wall and I could still hear a loud, wet, drip in the ceiling so God knows what I'll come home to (I am fretting a bit). I've left 2 messages with her landlord (she'd gone to work) but he's not come back to me. AHRG. WORRIED but I couldn't be late for work (I'm off for a funeral tommorrow at fairly short notice and that was frowned upon enough). So I'm basically just sitting in the office worrying and unable to do anything :(.

Anyway, WI today, so it's a red day (I feel thinner on a red day and it's all psychological warfare on WI day). I feel like I'm coming on, though, which is not awesome... I'm all irregular since I started on this plan (which is apparently normal) but it's a pain to work it out. Wearing size 16 jeans which are neat but not tight (they just feel tight in comparison to my normal jeans because they're not falling down...)

Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (kept balance for coffee & tea)
Pear cubes SFree

Pear SFree

Chicken Salad w/pomegranite seeds Free

Grilled chicken kebab w/Salad Free


Cocolate 5Syns

Hopefully when I go home I won't have to get a bunch of body magic fishing my bathroom ceiling out of the bath. AHRG.
I didn't check in yesterday because I was at a funeral, and by the time I got home I was utterly exhausted - I'm glad I could be there for my friends but it was a hard, hard day. Anyway, I put half a pound ON on tuesday - I know it's mostly to do with my kidney and the fact that I came on that night, but it's still a bit downheartening because I didn't deserve it. Uhg. Anyway, onwards, right?

I did my best food-wise yesterday; I had a baked potato and baked beans before I left the house at 10:45 because it was the biggest volume food I could stomach and left me my full milk allowance for tea, etc, I ate the meat out of some sandwiches with the butter scraped off as well as I could do and the meat bit out of a little sausage roll (they were out a LONG time before the sandwiches and I could have eaten my own arm at that point) and I didn't have any cakes or scones. I had a hifi bar on the train home and then a bag of carrot sticks and a coconut muller when I got in (and then fell asleep on the couch for an hour) and then had 1/2 an asda eat fresh chicken tikka masala (1.5syns and really lovely), new pots, brocolli and carrots. Which is a bit all over the place, definitely a bit short on milk (I didn't have THAT much tea) and goodness knows what my incidental syns were, but it wasn't awful and I'm happy enough with it. I'm planning on doing a bit of EEing this week because I don't think I get enough SF in on green and EE is still cheaper than red, so... anyway, let's see how it goes (I'm a bit anxious about the lack of HExs to be honest, but logically I know that's not actually a problem).

So, ee today.

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes and onions Free (inc 1/3 SFree) (I don't like mushrooms so this has always been a bit difficult for me. The pre-roast veggies were lovely, even if all I can currently taste is onion, and they're a scoot to do.)

Grapes SFree

Swamp Soup (Leek & Green Lentils) Free (inc 1/2 SFree)
Veggie Fried Rice Free (Inc 1/3 SFree)

Grapes SFree

New Potatoes Free
1/2 asda eat fresh chicken tikka masala 1.5syns
Brocolli & Carrots SFree

Ryvita HExB
2* LCL 3Syns (I think?? I can't get on to Lifeline to check)
Mango SFree (if I'm hungry for it)

HExA of milk used for Tea (and I'll drink the balance if there is any, but given it's chilly today I don't think there will be).

Which makes 1HExA, 1HExB & 4.5Syns so I reckon I might add a cheeky wee packet of crisps (6.5syns) when I get home from work (I'm apparently reverting to school days eating habits; play pieces* in the morning & afternoon and a snack when I get home... (*what you eat at play time)).

I can't believe how tired I was yesterday, I suppose some of it comes from m'hormones, but still... I did get to asda (hence the chicken) and bought up a load of veggies (lots of steamed pointy cabbage lurks in my future. YUM) so I'm hopeful that good things will happen next tuesday.
Mmmmmmmmmmm baked potatoe with cheesy beans. wow wow wow. want want want!!!!!!! May have it for my tea tonight with some salad... lol salad.. salad will be coming out of my freakin' ears!!!!

Sorry you were at a funeral, hope you're okay about that xx
Baked potato and cheesy beans are a FOOD OF THE GODS frankly. YUM :D

Yeah, funerals are never nice, but she had had a really good innings (she was 95) so, yeah. It is what it is.

Anyway, it's Friday. HURRAH. Tommorrow I'm going to a Viking festival, culminating in watching a fireship being launched into the sea which should be kind of fun. Eats might be a bit complicated but I'll whack some fruit in my handbag and make the best of it :D.

Yesterday's eating changed a wee bit - I had a HiFi instead of Ryvita for supper, but other than that it was all as listed and very nice it was too.

Today is EE again and VERY EXCITINGLY I've discovered you can now get cherry pepsi max :D :D :D :D. It only comes in 2lt bottles but I poured some into a wee coke bottle and brought it with me and will be being mean with it so I don't over indulge :D:D (I'm aware that's quite a sad thing to get excited over, but I realy am).

Anyway, eats:

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes and onions Free (inc 1/2 SFree) (4 bits of extra gum = 1/2 syn. This is useful for the onion ;))

Apple SFree
Cherry Pepsi Max Free

Swamp Soup (Leek & Green Lentils) Free (inc 1/2 SFree)
With potatoes sliced into it Free
Banana SFree

Apple and Banana SFree
Crisps 6.5 Syns

New Potatoes Free
Roast Chicken, skin removed Free
Steamed Brocolli, Cabbage & Mange Tout SFree
Lemony Gravy 2Syns

HiFi Bar HExB
Mango SFree (if I'm hungry for it)

HExA of milk used for Tea (and I'll drink the balance if there is any, but given it's chilly today I don't think there will be).

I'm really looking forward to my dinner, I love roast chicken and cabbage and brocolli and unholy amount. YUMMEEEEEE :D
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Just popping on quickly to track my eats for this weekend.

Yesterday was a really fun day - out for lunch with a friend, then some thrift shopping (picked up a couple of jumpers in smaller sizes and a jacket for less than £10, they're drying atm and then I'll see how far I've got until they fit me) and then out to a Viking battle by the sea :D. I was wearing my new size 16 skirt & cardi and Gap size large (not xl!) top... I was very tempted to wear them inside out :D:D. I felt really great, getting dressed up is fun when cute things fit. We also walked for MILES along the sea front and stood for some time, so my legs were aching when I got home, but totally worth it and it was a rather nice form of body magic than usual!

Today's been a totally lazy day, catching up on TV and laundry, which has been fantastic.

So, yesterday, EE

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes and onions Free (inc 1/2 SFree)

Wetherspoons superfood salad w/chicken but with no dressing 2Syns

White Coffee Part HExA

Dinner (very late)
LF Supernoods Free
Babycorn SFree

Ryvita HExB
2 lcl triangles Part HExA

Today, also EE

Crisps 6.5Syns
Cherry Pepsi Max Free (yes, I know, but I really wanted a crappy breakfast...)

Peri Peri eat fresh chicken Free (YUM YUM. From Asda, highly recc'd)
Baked Potato Free
Brocolli and Cabbage SFree

Ryvita HExB
LCL Triangles Part HExA (rest for tea)

Baked Beans Free
Baked Potato Free
Brocolli, Cabbage, Leek and green lentil soup Free (3/4 SFree)

Chocolate 4Syns
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So, monday again (I'm sure I didn't give permission for that) but I started it with a lovely cup of tea and a bit of bright happy sun, so it's not terrible.

I am ridiculously anxious about WI tommorrow - I've had a bunch of disappointing weeks that I didn't deserve recently so I really don't know what to expect.... Other than the funeral I've been well within my syns and things but :confused: I suppose I'll see tommorrow night.

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes and onions Free (inc 1/2 SFree)

Apple SFree

Peri Peri eat fresh chicken Free (YUM YUM. From Asda, highly recc'd)
Baked Potato Free
Brocolli and Cabbage SFree

Banana SFree
Apple SFree

Baked Beans Free
Baked Potato Free
Mange Toute SFree

Ryvita HExB
LCL Triangles Part HExA (rest for tea)

Note to self: sugar free gum may be 1/2syn for 4 bits, but it also sets off your IBS worse than it's been since you started on SW.

Hence no morning snack today and real issues eating lunch (the attack passed eventually, thank God, but given my entire digestive tract went into spasm there's no way I could have had lunch. I could barely sit up). I'm still feeling a bit wiped out tbh, it's been a long time since I had an attack at all, let alone one that made me feel that ill and I'm so not used to it.

Thank you Slimming World - I'd almost forgotten the horrors of IBS altogether (and I don't have acid reflux any more, either).

Now I'm going to sit quietly for a bit...
Well, I'm feeling practically healthy again now (I was so wiped out last night that I ended up going to bed early and sleeping for 11hours straight... I am wide awake this morning though, so that doesn't suck :D).

I think I'm beginning to get my head around EE properly and I'm eating less fruit and more veg (which is probably better) since the nice fruit (strawbs, cherries, mangos & grapes) got more expensive (I like apples, plums and pears but I don't tend over consume them so much). Steamed pointy cabbage is lovely, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible to over-eat it.

Still anxious about WI tonight but I know I've done everything right so there's nothing else I can do now....

today is EE again (but with a strongly red bent):

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes Free (inc 1/3 SFree)


Apple SFree

chicken Free

salad SFree

Noodles Free
Baby corn SFree

Ryvita HExB
LCL Triangles Part HExA (rest for tea)

And something nice for synnage.

Right, am going to pick people's brains at class for more lovely dinner ideas (because that's where the Asda eat fresh chicken came from and it was GORG).
Woo HOOO! Three and a Half off for me :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D So that's last week's little undeserved rubbish well done and dusted, please excuse me whilst I dance around the room for a moment!

Now, whilst it would be nice to lose the same again next week (which would give me another shiny), I'm just focussing on doing it right (and doing it EE because that seems to be doing the trick and it's cheaper than red) and taking any loss that comes my way (because I'm dead on 14st now and I've NEVER been lower than that as an adult and being in the 13s sounds like it might be kind of fun :D). I'm all excited about the plan again!

I've lost SIXTY POUNDS!!!!
I'm still on a total high from last night :D (sixty stinking pounds that I'm not longer carting about with me. Seriously. Also, everything I'm wearing today is too big, must get rid) which is rather making up for today being cold and damp (and really windy) and all our trains being totally stuffed up this morning because some poor soul jumped further up the line. Not the most pleasant start to the day at all, but I'm focussing on the good stuff.

Today is EE again (because 3.5lbs can't be wrong):

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes Free (inc 1/3 SFree)

chicken Free
salad SFree

Grapes SFree (seriously though, a whole punnet is ludicrous. NOT BUYING THEM AGAIN, apples etc are more self-limiting).
Costa 6syns

Noodles Free
Baby corn SFree

Scan Bran HExB
LCL Triangles Part HExA (rest for tea)
Chopped up tomato SFree
Dried mango 6syns (and not worth it)

I MUST get some more tomatoes and onions, cos I've none left for breakfast.... tommorrow will be porridge I suspect.
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It's a glorious day today, all bright and sunny and washed clean by yesterday and last night's revolting weather. Hurrah.

I'm wearing yet another skirt that's going straight into my donation box (once it's washed, anyway) once I get home because it's in serious danger of falling down every single time I move or breathe. Ah well, I suppose every time I remove something from my wardrobe rail it makes it clearer what kind of things I need to get to back fill it.

Anyway, I'm going to a wedding in mid-october - 5 WIs from now - and I've got 10lbs to get to my 5 stone, so it's possible for me to get there (it's a bit tight, especially as I'm away for part of that, but it's not totally outwith my grasp to do it) or I've got 7lbs to get to 13 1/2st so I'm definitely aiming at that :D. I've got my frock already (it's a lovely dress I last wore - to another wedding - when I was 22. It's a pretty colour and a fairly plain style so it's not dated and I've only worn it once....goodness knows why I kept it TBH, but I'm glad I did) but it will look EVEN BETTER if I'm slightly less lumpy and bumpy underneath it. Also the less of me there is to cart about on heels, the better (there will be people there who've not seen me since I started doing this. It would be lovely to be able to say "5 stone" when they ask me what I've lost...). I'm going to get to do a bit of shopping (shoes, bag, shrug, something for my hair) for it, too :D.

Ho Hum. My kidney's starting to feel like it belongs to me again (thank goodness) so I really ought to get back on the exercise wagon. I HAVE definitely made a change to how I commute - I've got two stations I can go to, one that's near my house and one that's about 10minutes walk away down a great big hill (which has more regular trains that take less time). I've been going home via the further away station (and walking up the great big hill) pretty much as a matter of course for over a month, even in the rain :D... I'l go back to doing the Wii regularly I think; it's not exactly a Jillian workout but I can do it without aggravating anything.

Right, today is EE again (I'm getting there on the getting used to less HExs, it's definitely a mental thing rather than physically needing them).

Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (kept balance for tea)
Pear cubes SFree

Cherries SFree (very sour. Not getting again this year :()

Apple if I want it SFree

Baked potatoes and cottage cheese Free

Baby corn SFree

Banana & apple SFree

Asda Eat Fresh Thai Green Chicken either 1.5 or 2.5syns (I wrote it on the packet)

New Potatoes Free
Cabbage and Brocolli SFree

Crisps 6.5syns

Options 2syns

Or that's the general plan, anyway. I might ditch the crisps and have a costa instead (and if I'm hungry for supper I'll have mango).

I badly need to go shopping and I need to work out if I AM actually going out to dinner tommorrow night or not (if I'm not I'll go to Asda, if I am I'll order tesco for a saturday am delivery).

I also definitely need to do my measurements again, it's been a fair while since I did them last and I have (finally) lost a reasonable quantity of weight since then and it's always interesting to see how that's going more objectively than just by how my clothes are fitting - I've been wearing things too tight and unflatteringly for so long that I have a bit of a skewed view of my body shape and size (and clothing sizes are ludicrously inconsistent even in the same freaking shop).
Well, I'm feeling practically healthy again now (I was so wiped out last night that I ended up going to bed early and sleeping for 11hours straight... I am wide awake this morning though, so that doesn't suck :D).

Glad you're feeling better and the horrid ibs stuff has gone.

I think I'm beginning to get my head around EE properly and I'm eating less fruit and more veg (which is probably better) since the nice fruit (strawbs, cherries, mangos & grapes) got more expensive (I like apples, plums and pears but I don't tend over consume them so much). Steamed pointy cabbage is lovely, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible to over-eat it.

Still anxious about WI tonight but I know I've done everything right so there's nothing else I can do now....

today is EE again (but with a strongly red bent):

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes Free (inc 1/3 SFree)

Apple SFree

chicken Free
salad SFree

Noodles Free
Baby corn SFree

Ryvita HExB
LCL Triangles Part HExA (rest for tea)
And something nice for synnage.

Right, am going to pick people's brains at class for more lovely dinner ideas (because that's where the Asda eat fresh chicken came from and it was GORG).

If you're amaze at EE explain it to me! LOL no matter how many times I try to do it I just end up eating like a complete pig (e.g. same ammount of green I'd have on a green day & red on a red day with some fruit and salad = bad. bad.bad!!!

Woo HOOO! Three and a Half off for me :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D So that's last week's little undeserved rubbish well done and dusted, please excuse me whilst I dance around the room for a moment!

Now, whilst it would be nice to lose the same again next week (which would give me another shiny), I'm just focussing on doing it right (and doing it EE because that seems to be doing the trick and it's cheaper than red) and taking any loss that comes my way (because I'm dead on 14st now and I've NEVER been lower than that as an adult and being in the 13s sounds like it might be kind of fun :D). I'm all excited about the plan again!

I've lost SIXTY POUNDS!!!!


Firstly - well done on the 3.5. - that's amazing and I am sooooo pleased for you!
Secondly - 60!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Clap clap clap :clap: x 212129343493

That's SO awesome hun, and you're now 14.. which in my books is rather slim, so whooohooo for that too :bunnydance:

Seriously - am grinning from ear to ear!!!!

It's a glorious day today, all bright and sunny and washed clean by yesterday and last night's revolting weather. Hurrah.

I'm wearing yet another skirt that's going straight into my donation box (once it's washed, anyway) once I get home because it's in serious danger of falling down every single time I move or breathe. Ah well, I suppose every time I remove something from my wardrobe rail it makes it clearer what kind of things I need to get to back fill it.

Anyway, I'm going to a wedding in mid-october - 5 WIs from now - and I've got 10lbs to get to my 5 stone, so it's possible for me to get there (it's a bit tight, especially as I'm away for part of that, but it's not totally outwith my grasp to do it) or I've got 7lbs to get to 13 1/2st so I'm definitely aiming at that :D. I've got my frock already (it's a lovely dress I last wore - to another wedding - when I was 22. It's a pretty colour and a fairly plain style so it's not dated and I've only worn it once....goodness knows why I kept it TBH, but I'm glad I did) but it will look EVEN BETTER if I'm slightly less lumpy and bumpy underneath it. Also the less of me there is to cart about on heels, the better (there will be people there who've not seen me since I started doing this. It would be lovely to be able to say "5 stone" when they ask me what I've lost...). I'm going to get to do a bit of shopping (shoes, bag, shrug, something for my hair) for it, too :D.

Ho Hum. My kidney's starting to feel like it belongs to me again (thank goodness) so I really ought to get back on the exercise wagon. I HAVE definitely made a change to how I commute - I've got two stations I can go to, one that's near my house and one that's about 10minutes walk away down a great big hill (which has more regular trains that take less time). I've been going home via the further away station (and walking up the great big hill) pretty much as a matter of course for over a month, even in the rain :D... I'l go back to doing the Wii regularly I think; it's not exactly a Jillian workout but I can do it without aggravating anything.

Right, today is EE again (I'm getting there on the getting used to less HExs, it's definitely a mental thing rather than physically needing them).

Scan Bran Part HexB
Porridge Part HexB made up with
350ml Skim Milk HExA (kept balance for tea)
Pear cubes SFree
Cherries SFree (very sour. Not getting again this year :()

Apple if I want it SFree

Baked potatoes and cottage cheese Free

Baby corn SFree

Banana & apple SFree

Asda Eat Fresh Thai Green Chicken either 1.5 or 2.5syns (I wrote it on the packet)

New Potatoes Free
Cabbage and Brocolli SFree

Crisps 6.5syns

Options 2syns

Or that's the general plan, anyway. I might ditch the crisps and have a costa instead (and if I'm hungry for supper I'll have mango).

I badly need to go shopping and I need to work out if I AM actually going out to dinner tommorrow night or not (if I'm not I'll go to Asda, if I am I'll order tesco for a saturday am delivery).

I also definitely need to do my measurements again, it's been a fair while since I did them last and I have (finally) lost a reasonable quantity of weight since then and it's always interesting to see how that's going more objectively than just by how my clothes are fitting - I've been wearing things too tight and unflatteringly for so long that I have a bit of a skewed view of my body shape and size (and clothing sizes are ludicrously inconsistent even in the same freaking shop).

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!! 5 Stone here we go! whooo :bunnydance:

The dress sounds lovely (pic?) but I have one question, won't it be ... too big :p
The dress sounds lovely (pic?) but I have one question, won't it be ... too big :p

Ha ha :p Nah, it shouldn't be, it should just hang a wee bit better (it's really very simple and not terribly fitted so it mostly hangs from my chest ;))

I definitely don't eat enough veg on green, so I end up consuming more free food than I really need, so even if I run EE as very green it's still healthier for me. I tend to over serve the SFree and I also tend to eat that first, so that it gets a chance to fill me up.

Ha! I'm not slim (but I am only about 1st 12 off finally not being obese. Hurrah!) but I feel like the real me finally matches the picture I have of me in my head (so actual photos of me don't reduce me to a weeping pile of distress any more).

I'm DEFINTELY looking to get my 5st in before my birthday (at the start of November) *focusses HARD*

I'm so pleased for you hunnybunch! x
Cheers Elaine :D

Right, so I'm going out tonight for dinner at Wagas, but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to have (chicken and mandarin salad, no dressing, no nuts/seeds and a side of plain rice, which is much nicer than it sounds) and I'm looking forward to it enormously (lots of girls, lots of unsuitable conversation :D). One of the people going is the girl I was away with who subconciously seems to feel I'm losing weight to make her feel bad, but the rest of the people are positive and it shouldn't be a focus for the evening I hope. Anyway, I'm wearing a pretty skirt (thank goodness it's got a drawstring waist or I wouldn't be) and a SIZE 16 top (it's a big 16, definitely, because I'm not even properly in an 18 in some places, but it fits and I'm tempted to wear it inside out :D) Wheeeeee.

Today is continuing on the EE wagon:

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes Free (inc 1/3 SFree)

Hazelnut Coffee with bit of HExA & 3syns (I pour the milk in myself, and it's semi, not skimmed, which makes for complicated maths, but otherwise I won't get my whole HExA in)
Apple SFree

Asda Eat Fresh Thai Green Chicken 2syns

Baked Potato Free
Cabbage and Brocolli SFree

Apple and Banana SFree

Plain Rice Free
Denatured chicken mandarin salad Free with 3/4 SFree

HiFi Bar HExB
Tea remaining HExA

I suspect there will be diet coke during dinner, so tonight will be a super late one...hrm. I should probably re-assess my wardrobe or something to pass the time until I can sleep... At dinner I'll eat the salad first and then the rice is for filling up purposes so I will probably leave about half of it (it's cheap, so that's fine).

I didn't order tescos (because I am a bit faily) so tommorrow will likely be a pre-breakfast Asda trip (I'll have fruit) if only so I can get in and out before it fills up with annoying bams.
OMG! Wagamama's *drool*
The skirt sounds nice. I am getting rid of tonnes of stuff that doesn't fit (too small as well as big :p) so I will keep you updated.

Enjoy your day, sounds lovely. I need girl time. Wait, I need some girl friends before I have girl time. ahahahah!

Love the sound of the thai chicken at Asda as well. yum yum.

Oh, and if you feel bad about the diet coke at dinner, how do you think I feel about bringing a share size into work :/

On the plus side, it's in the fridge and I'm leaving early today :p
wagas is SO GOOD (and Edinburgh's apparently getting one before Christmas, too ;)) yum. They've got a new Ginger Beef salad (that I have without dressing or sesame seeds) that is AMAZING. I highly reccomend it!

I picked up a whole load more of the chickeny things at Asda yesterday (because they're freezable - most of them - and were vastly reduced) and I worked out all the syns so I'll whack up a list for quick reference later on. They're so easy and SO tasty and they nuke like a dream to reheat n'all.

I've swapped out one of my rings again (they've been moving from finger to finger for some time as my fingers get smaller) and this one hasn't fitted on my hands for 13 years... it's tightish but not TOO tight and the one it's replacing was falling off :D. It also works better with the ring it's next to than the previous one did (I'm all a bit more-is-more with rings, I blame Adam Lambert.)...It's so STRANGE the things that are different.

I'm in my short-skirt long-boots combination again - I think this will become a thing for me, because I really like my legs right now and they're definitely the current best feature of my figure...It's strange for me, given I've mostly always previously focussed on my cleavage because that's the one bit that doesn't matter if it's fat...

Anyway EE again today:

Scrambled eggs with roast tomatoes Free (inc 1/3 SFree)

Banana SFree

Asda Eat Fresh Meditarranean style Chicken 1.5syns

New Potatos Free
Cabbage and Brocolli SFree

Apples SFree

Baked Potato Free
Beans Free

Baby corn SFree

HiFi Bar HExB
Tea remaining HExA

Today's HExA has mostly been in coffee (it's REVOLTING here today, so I dug out my travel mug for coffee on the train) and I might spend some more syns on another coffee or crisps or options or some kind of combination of the above.