Helen's weightloss diary


New Member
Hello I'm Helen and this is my slimming world diary.

Like alot of you i have done MANY diets over the years with limitied success. Now I want to succeed.

I feel like i cant go on getting bigger and bigger. So tomorrow is when the action starts. 8.30AM I will be joining slimming world. THIS TIME I WILL STICK WITH IT!

I hope you dont mind but i wanted to write down a few reason why i want to do this to remind myself when i feel low.

1. want my clothes to fit
2. be healthy and active with my kids
3. change my lifestyle and my families for the better and for GOOD
4. dont want to be the fat mum in the playground when daughter starts school in sept
5. want to fit on the rides when we go to disneyland next year
6. dont want to feel like the fat one at family doos
7. dont want to be that fat friend!
8. happiness

No excusses now.

Has anyone got any tips, words or wisdom or motivational stories for me? what sort of amount of excersise levels do people do per week?

Wish me luck and thank you for reading xxx