Hello, another newbie here

hi everyone

my order arrived today and I'm now feeling really nervous!

I think this is a big issue for me in terms of wanting to do something (shift all this weight) and then the fear and nerves set in so I end up talking myself out of it before I have even begun! I am worried that I either will not see the expected results (this happend to me on Cambridge and the counsellor was highly critical and not helpful) or I will not cope being around food / struggle in the initial days of getting into ketosis. The end result is normally I give up and comfort eat :(

I am also approaching danger time. Early evening, I pick at food while sorting the kids. Spend the evening alone so I comfort eat.

I NEED to stop all of this! So instead of falling at the first hurdle I am on here letting it out - I hope that's ok?

I know I will be ok once I start on the vlcd in the morning. I need the break from food (I am even looking forward to it) but I have also realised I am a carb and sugar addict so getting into ketosis won't be easy! Hibernating from the world while I get started would be the prefered option but not possible.

so if you have any wise words to get me from now til next week (or a virtual kick up the bum) please can I have them? :)
Hi Hooked

Both me and my OH started today so you won't be alone lol.

Last night i had a bad nights sleep as i kept waking worrying about shakes and whether i had the will power to cut out food like this but you know what this morning i got up positive and had a shake and got stuck in!! Yes i will miss lots of food but i won't be on this diet forever i can have a planned break and introduce healthier foods etc.

So take one day at a time and just go for it, the bars are a big help with choc and sweet cravings i have already found that cutting them into tiny slices helps keep your fingers busy, so perhaps try that if you have the bars when doing the kids dinners etc...

I know what you mean about hibernating from the world while trying to get into it, i have banned my mum from talking about food on the phone to me lol and have got rid of food companys on my facebook etc as i know it will tempt me lol.I think these first 5 days are going to be a real test!!!

Best of luck to you :)
Hi Hooked, you can do this !!! , A couple of years ago i lost 5 stone in 16 weeks it was a very expensive VLCD i did and i was really positive until it got to "D" day and i felt like crying all day. So i printed off pictures of jeans & dresses i wanted to buy and if i felt like giving in i just pictured myself wearing them. Anyway after 2 weeks i didn't really notice i was on a diet and before i knew it 16 weeks had passed and i had gone from a size 18 - size 10 it was amazing!!!. Anyway i keep putting between 14 -21lbs on usually in winter and after a couple of holidays so i then do a vlcd for approx 8-10 weeks twice a year to shift it . I know this is not ideal but it works for me and i always have lovely clothes to wear in the summer lol. Sorry for going on sooo much. Good luck x
right, I have weighed myself properly on the Wii and done my measurements. The Wii is a tad upset as I have gained 2st 6lbs and not met my weight loss goal!!!!!!

Anyway, I have opened my delivery and got a nice surprise - two free bars, multivitamins, tape measure and a shaker :)

Thanks for the positive thoughts and great tips. I am going to trawl the board and make list of drinks and veg ideas for dh to pick up tonight so I will be all set for the morning.
Sounds like you are in the mindset now :)

With regards to drinks so far i have had the Wahoo water flavouring Rob sells on the site(it is half price at min so works out 19.9p per 500ml) i tried the berry one first...OH likes it says it's quite drinkable and yes it is very mild flavour but it takes the edge of plain water lol.Plus it has extra B vits in which is good all round lol.

I have had plain filtered water most of the day( i usually have coffee and tea all day lol).

Got the bouillon in(Marigold) not got round to that yet.

But you can also heat the vanilla or caramel shakes up and add a little coffee for a warm drink or the choc.

I think with regards to veg i will have peppers,broccoli,asparagus and mushrooms most days as i think it will defo help with roughage and going to the toilet without the aid of laxatives(i hope lol).Plus it's darn tasty to dip yer broccoli in to the spag bol :) oh and it is also a good source of vitamins!!

You will soon have a big list lol i did the other day off all the bits and herbs and spices to make things more interesting :)
Sounds like you are moving into a better frame of mind to start this tomorrow and to stick to it. Forget the negative thoughts and think positive. You can do it. You just need to be focused, determined and tough it out for a little bit the first week. Come on here if you feel weak and read people's diaries and see that you're not alone. Good luck hun.
Hooked, on your bad days/weeks you will find the others on here never critical even if you have just stuffed a giant cream cake in your mouth. We are all going through the same frustrations and emotions and can identify with you, spur you on, and generally be there when the going gets tough. And likewise on your good days and weeks we are there to offer congrats and celebrate your achievements with you. If things do go wrong dont feel that you have failed, get your bahookie on here, vent and climb back on the S&S ride. I know last week was my first week and i failed miserably. Thought about jacking it in, read some of the diaries and posts and thought hey if they can do it so can I and got back into it properly this week.

I havent done CD but have been to numerous forms of diet clubs and I always feel the skinny malinky at the other side of the scales looks down their noses if you havent been good or havent achieved weight loss (hence why those clubs havent worked for me) I wish they ran slimming clubs like the do in Little Britain, with a huge woman taking the class.

Good Luck for the coming week, this time next week you will be in the full swing of it, wishing that you had found S&S earlier and remember no matter be it you lose 12lbs or 2lbs, the weight loss on S&S is consistent unlike other normal diets.
Day one is almost done :) thank you everyone for spurring me on.

my head really hurts but you know what? I feel good, I'm doing this and I will get there.

today I have had a crispy choc shake before work. I used half the milk in it, topped up with water and put the rest in some coffee at work. Lunch was veg soup and tea was the lovely spag bol. I made fake spaghetti with some courgette which was lovely.

I have been kind to myself tonight and had a bar aswell as I was struggling early evening. Normally I would be in and out the kitchen as soon as the kids go to bed so I changed things tonight for the better. While dh sorted their tea I had a lovely soak in the bath. Once they went up I painted my nails and properly straightened my hair. It may not happen every night but I think I am going to try and fit a little pampering in each evening whenever I start to feel those nagging cravings start.

hope everyone else has had a good day today :)
Glad you had a good first day. Good luck tomorrow.
Great coping mechanisms! I have 4 packs every day but I think your approavh makes a lot of sense - have 4 when you need them. Good luck on your journey!
Hey Hooked just caught up lol.

Love the long hot soak and pampering idea. I am a gaming addict so keep myself occupied on the ipad but i am playing bleeding food games which doesnt help hehe. Am also reading the diaries on here to see how other ppl have coped with their journeys and to be honest it is very inspirational reading!!!

Good luck with day 2!!! Tell the headache to bogof and you keep up the positive attitude :D