Hello from Warwickshire

Hi all

I must admit I'd not heard of this forum before, but after deciding now is the time, I googled general weight loss support forums, this popped up and I thought...oh, interesting!

On Wednesday I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app and have been tracking my calories since. I didn't like the look of their forums but thought there must be a general, non-specific support group out there to keep me interested when it gets difficult, and wow, here you are.

I'm aged 37, and I gave birth to Daniel in May 2012. I'm only 2lbs over when I got pregnant, but I was overweight to begin with at 14 stone. It was a bad pregnancy and I ended up weighing 12st 7lbs after giving birth, but that has all crept back on.

So, now is the time. Enough is enough. All being well, I'm likely to be trying for baby number two once Danny has turned one, so the challenge is from now until May. And we'll deal with whatever I weigh after that in the future :).

So, using MFP seems to be working at the moment - it's been very useful to see how all the little bits of snacking add up, and I'm hoping building up friends on this site and doing a weekly weigh-in will help keep me motivated.

So here's to the start of my journey and I look forward to seeing if I can help you out with a wave of my support pom-poms as you go on your journey too.
