Hello, I'm new and on 6th day now!


Full Member

Just thought I would introduce myself! This is now my 6th day of Atkins and getting good results so far, lost 9 pounds although realise it'll be water mostly and have got a lot to lose. Have had mild headaches but yesterday all of a sudden felt better and had more energy. Think ketosis started yesterday afternoon. Was worried that I'd find last night hard, normally wine and gardener world my routine but went o.k with distractions! Worrying about tomorrow though because out for mothers day meal with family.

Just wanted to say this looks like a fab forum and think it could make all the difference to me to have some support. I'm dreadful for losing interest with diets. But thrilled to find out about pork scratchings, think missing that crunchy texture of crisps and toast.....

Looking forward to getting to know some of you all better and hopefully sharing some ideas....:)
hi there :)
i'm the same,i usually loose interest reallly quickly,however this has got to be the last time round,so i'm determined
to do it right.
funny how old habbits stick out when you don't do them anymore,but think of it as *just a thought* and hopefully it will pop out as quick as it popped in.
Me too. I suppose its a bit of a buzz at first but it soon looses the novelty value! I'm looking forward to finishing the induction phase! But I know I'll start to feel glum once the weight loss slows down.
an important thing i try to remember is that my body needs time to catch up,so sometimes i don't have a loss,then perhaps the following week there's a whoosh,and i dropped a couple of pound,also sometimes we have to really check what we are eating,and perhaps cut something out that may effect the weight loss.and as long as my clothes feel less tight i know something is shifting,because the scales and even the ketone sticks can chees you off.
perhaps pop into the diary section and start one,it could help too.
Hi Becky and welcome:)
Lots of support here - don't be afraid to ask questions but do take a look at the stickies
Great 1st week loss - keep going:D

I sniggered at your post title tho - have visions of Arnold Schwarzenegger in my head now! :p
Diary seems a good idea. Does everyone recommend the sticks? I figured as long as I'm losing its going o.k, but maybe I'd better get some anyway for when it slows down. I'm taking a multivitamin but haven't followed some of the more scientific recommendations!
You dont need the sticks - and it can become another addiction like scales;). Diary is good idea:)
don't bother with the sticks,they are as bad as the scales.
I love the sticks. If you've eaten something you weren't sure about they'll let you know if it's okay or not.
Hi Becky and welcome to Atkins and our threads love