Hello -my first post!


Full Member
I am new here and thought I should introduce myself. I am 49 yrs old, mother of 4, married for 26 years and live in Northern Ireland.
I first got to goal of 10 st, in '96 having lost 4 stone. I gradually put on 2 stone and got that off July 05. Again 16lbs on, got back to goal October 07. At present I am 7 lbs over goal but determined to get back there. I am an emotional eater, follow WW Core plan and find maintenence hard.
I do hope I have posted this message correctly:confused:
Welcome to our community :D:D:D

Lacey..xx :)
Hello and welcome!! Good luck with your journey!! Cant wait until I only have 7lbs to lose!! It will be gone in no time! :)
welcome to the WW section - congrats on getting to goal so many times, i cant wait until i get there! :D xxx
Yay another (NOIRN ERLAND)ER! Welcome aboard ull soon have ur gain of u in no time u have prooved it to urself already u can do it and it really is a great site full of lovely ppl with great motivation welcomexx
Hi and welcome along to WW forum.

You have done really well getting back on track with only 7lbs over your goal weight.

That maintenance part is a right game isn't it.

the 7lb will be off in no time at all.

Good for you for starting before Christmas too

Rosie x