Hello new weight loss blog :D

Hi Bon and Gemstone,

You are right, Australia does have fascinating history, both white and aboriginal. I love the white history that is available, and Bon, if you ever get over here I'll be your personal guide! Aboriginal history less concrete because of the lack of documentation, but I've read some wonderful oral histories. I's not possible here to walk up stairs that were walked up five hundred years ago, that sort of stuff. The roman coin my neighbours found really captured the imagination- what was it used to buy, who by? We had the history books out that night!
I love the history thing. I sometimes take the kids I work with to a nearby stone circle. We think about how it was made, we listen to the sounds around us, close our eyes and feel, talk about the little village it is part of and then we look at the trees. There is one really ancient oak in it's dying phase - the kids are amazed to hear that it takes 300 years to grow, 300 years to live and 300 years to die. We think about all that might have happened while that tree has gone through it's life - very thought provoking x
No sexy Romans? What a disappointment! Well, I suppose it wasnt Spartans you were seeing (Gerard Butler....*drool*), lol.
I will be brave and go. I do drive yeh, which is cool, coz otherwise I'd be screwed, don't even know where the bus stops are in this town, lol.

Gah, I love history, I must go and get some books or something.
You're really active Bon, always up to something, I must make an effort to be more like you!

West of England - the circle I'm describing is Stanton Drew Stone circle
Stanton Drew

There is a picture of the oak on this site about 5 rows down labelled "oak"
Paul's Pictures
Hey guys :)

Yeah I love history, growing up in Whitby there is a lot of history there with the Abbey and St Hilda and then in Newcastle there is the Roman wall and forts, it's all very interesting :)

Whitby is a lovely place to visit Gemstone :) whenever you get the chance you should go, although I know it's quite a treck from your neck of the woods.

Pink - oh I look forward to hearing about where your National Trust card has taken you :D Being active is good, I don't like to feel like llife is passing me by, it's too short as it is... so I always like to have things planned and do as much as we can and our local area is really good for filling time with fun things :)

I hope everyone's having a nice day today? It's really quiet in the office today, people seem to be on their holidays. I just realised that I am only working 3 day weeks this week (cos of visiting my sister's) and next (cos we're going to the Lakes) so that cheered me up :D

Have a good day everyone :)
Hiya Bon, right I'll have to check out the National Trust website later and see what is going on in this neck of the woods.

I think I've visited Whitby, I'll have to check with mum.

Glad you are enjoying your Fridays off and they are productive, long may it last.

Good luck with your application for the job, was there any indication of when you might hear?

Have a good evening xx
Thanks Gemstone, wonderful!

Hi Bon, is the visit to the Lakes next week? That's come up quickly! I'm going to Melbourne for a long weekend tomorrow. We are trying to work out how we can visit the maximum number of friends and family in the shortest amount of time. This is good in theory, but, you know, once you start talking..
We are meeting no less than two new babies over the weekend!
Bon, I've just booked tickets for a concert in Sydney in October. I love visiting Sydney, but I don't reckon it would be that great a place to live. Fantastic shopping!
Hope you are having a good day!
Morning :) How is everyone today?

Thanks for the messages :)

Sorry Gemstone we must have crossed posts so i didn't see those links you posted til now :S oops. It looks like a lovely place though, thanks for showing us.

Nomad - have you found any interesting local places to visit? No they didn't mention a date I'd hear by :S I don't expect to hear anything tbh, I think it looks too bad that i applied at the last minute :( plus i have no experience!

MinusFour - enjoy your time in Melbourne :) good luck with trying to fit as many people in as possible!

Well I am in a miserable mood today :( didn't sleep too well and I have a headache today :( sigh. But I am trying to cheer up as I am off work til Monday after today!

Am looking forward to going to my sister's tonight, should get there about half 8 tonight, then tomorrow we're getting the bus to York to go shopping :) Friday we're going for a walk on the beach with her 2 dogs (she lives right next to the beach in Whitby), and then Friday night I am going to my other sisters to see her and my nephew and niece. Should be nice :)

Then I am coming back home Saturday lunch time and holding a Rock Band party for some work friends in the evening :)

Yes it is the Lakes next week, sigh, I haven't lost that stone i wanted to :( or anything for that matter. I do feel fitter than i did last year though so that's something. We have a few walks planned and I can't wait :)
Oh Bon - sorry you're not feeling too good today. I hope you feel better soon x
Hiya Bon, sorry to hear you're not in the best of moods today, although you seemed to have perked up by the end of your message!! I hope you have a great time with your sister, it certainly sounds good.

I haven't lost any weight either but I'm glad you're feeling fitter.

Hope the rest of the day passes quickly for you xx
Sounds like a fun weekend babes! No wonder you're so miserable today, it's the anticipation of tomorrow being so much better, lol. Hope that you have a great time.
Don't worry about that stone, as you said, it's how you feel that's important. Would you rather be a stone lighter and feeling sluggish, or to feel bouncy and on top of the world, but a bit heavier than you'd hoped?
Pink is right - it's how you are feeling that matters at the moment and that you are healthy. From there you can go on to lose weight with good choices and keep healthy x
Hi guys :) aw thank you, I know I am proud of what I have achieved in the year but yeah I am looking forward to seeing some losses soon... I do feel fitter and healthier now I am making the right choices, so I should be pleased :) thanks everyone.

Well I had a nice time at my sister's. We went to York on Thursday shopping, although I didn't get chance to look at anything as we spent the whole time trying to find her one of these Maxi Dresses :S sigh. Friday it rained but we still went to the beach with the dogs and i had a paddle :D

Friday night I went over to my other sister's house who lives at the opposite side of Whitby, was nice to see her and my nephew and niece. My nephew is 15 now and it's scary how grown up he is! I still see them both as little kids :S he has a right attitude at the moment and doesn't talk much, he just grunts! My niece is much nicer now though, she used to be a whining, spoilt brat so it's nice to see her a bit more grown up now she's 12 :)

I came back home Saturday morning and then we had our Rock Band party that night which was good fun :)

I did well food wise. My sister is a size 12/14 and i felt so fat when i was at hers :( I want to be her size :( I borrowed a waterproof jacket from her for our walk and it only just zipped up! I felt so fat all weekend, sigh. She's lovely though and was reassuring me that i'll get there :) She helped with the healthy choices though and we had salads and fruit :) My other sister made me a lovely stir fry too and I have stolen the recipe as it was really healthy with veg and quorn chicken :)

Soooo I am in determined mode! We're going to the Lakes on Thursday lunch time and I know Jamie's Dad and step mum eat healthy and we'll do lots of walking so that'll all help too :)

Hope everyone is having a good day :)
Hiya Bon, glad to hear you enjoyed your couple of days away and well done on the healthy eating. Your sister is right, you will get there. Your trip to the Lakes and more healthy eating might help give you a kick start and a boost which would be good.

Hope you've had a good day and are having a nice relaxing evening xx
Hi sweetheart!

I have a tiny sister too, makes me feel like a monster! Your weekend sounds lovely. I'm impressed with your frame of mind too- if you can somehow manage to maintain it, I can't see how you can go wrong!
Aw thanks :) I am feeling so miserable that I am so fat lately :( everytime i see myself in the mirror I am shocked really, I think I just kinda block it out how big i am and try and think of myself as thinner... so the realisation isn't so nice, sigh. It's pants how i've let myself put 4 stone on :(

But at least I am trying hard now. I was brilliant yesterday, we had wine but i had a noodle pot for tea that was low calorie to make sure i had enough calories left for it :) So that cheered me up that I am sorting my head out.

Today I am feeling quite awake and that always helps me eat better. So i've had a nectarine for breakfast which I really enjoyed, and I've brought 2 quorn chicken salad wraps for lunch, I'll have one at 12 and the other at half 2 time, then it should spread them out enough so i am not starving by 4/5 o'clock and wanting to eat everything in sight when i get home!

We're going to the cinema tonight, so we'll be eating out for tea. We're gonna go to Yo Sushi as i have a list of how many calories the things there are and therefore know what to go for and what to avoid :) am looking forward to it.

I am off work from tomorrow til next tuesday now, wooo. That's making me smiley! Tomorrow I plant to lie in a little til 10, then get up and go on the Wii Fit until 12 and then we're catching the train at half 1 to the Lake District. So that's the plan :)

I am disappointed that I am still huge a year on, sigh, but I know I am healthier, I don't eat much rubbish at all anymore and have been on the Wii Fit weekly for a long time now. So there are positives, but hopefully this disappointment will stay in my head so i can learn from it.

The next deadline is now the 24th October as we're off to a wedding and I want a nice outfit to wear. Soooo 2 months to lose... 10 pounds I think i will aim for, perhaps that's too high... gah just to lose _anything_ by then would make me feel better! :D

Well how is everyone today? the sun is shining here it's lovely :)

Gah you know the people that sit near me at work really don't help! the bloke opposite me is eating choc chip cookies, someone is eating Malteasers, another is eating peanut M&M's and 2 people are eating crisps, all in my line of vision! Well I enjoyed my nectarine so that's something and I have an apple for later if i want it :)