

Gold Member
Hello all,

I lost over 4 stone with LT a few years ago. I maintained for a while and then got pregnant with my beautiful son. I ate so much during my pregnancy, my husband is a major feeder, lol. My little boy is now 7 months old and I cant seem to shift the weight. The most that I have lost is 4lbs, dont know why it wont shift but is really annoying me, Ive been exercising and eating healthily most of the time. So today I decided that Im going back on LT. hubby isnt happy as he doesnt agree with the diet but need to do this for me.

week 1 weigh in = 16 stone 1lb. :sigh:

Good on you for coming back :D How are you going to cope over Christmas or are you taking a wee break ??
I'm finishing TFR next Friday and starting my refeed next Saturday! Cant wait but cant believe how quick the weeks have flown in doing this (honestly!!!!!!!) You will be grand :D Hows the day gone so far ? xxx
Best of luck :) cant wait to hear how you get on, make sure to keep us updated x

Good on you for coming back :D How are you going to cope over Christmas or are you taking a wee break ??
I'm finishing TFR next Friday and starting my refeed next Saturday! Cant wait but cant believe how quick the weeks have flown in doing this (honestly!!!!!!!) You will be grand :D Hows the day gone so far ? xxx

Hi, thanks. I'm thinking of having the evening off for my work meal and xmas day off only. Last time I had the odd day off for my birthday and anniversary and still managed to have a loss so hopefully wont be too bad. Congrats on your weight loss, you've done great. best of luck with refeed.

Today has been fine, Ive felt hungry a few times but just had a glass of water. made dinner earlier and it looked yummy but I need to think about what will make me happy long term. Cant wait to see first weeks results.

x x
Best of luck :) cant wait to hear how you get on, make sure to keep us updated x

thank you. I will definitely keep you all updated. I have made a diary so will try and update daily.
WOW you have done so well. your bmi is 14 points lower, massive well done. x x
Good luck! Baby weight is a bugger to shift isn't it! I breast fed for 6 months and it flew off, got down to about 12st, I was 16 and a half stone when I was 9 months pregnant! But as soon as I stopped breast feeding the weight loss stopped! and I crept back up to 14st. A couple of months later I decided to do Lipotrim and have never looked back! I'm Look forward to reading your diary :) Good luck again!
Good luck! Baby weight is a bugger to shift isn't it! I breast fed for 6 months and it flew off, got down to about 12st, I was 16 and a half stone when I was 9 months pregnant! But as soon as I stopped breast feeding the weight loss stopped! and I crept back up to 14st. A couple of months later I decided to do Lipotrim and have never looked back! I'm Look forward to reading your diary :) Good luck again!

Hi Sam, thanks. yeah baby weight is nightmare. saying that with my daughters I lost all the weight whilst breast feeding so was quickly back to my pre pregnancy weight within 2-3 months. This time I lost nothing whilst breast feeding :(
Well done on your weight loss success. How long did it take? x x
I started in April and did 8 weeks including the re-feed week. I had another 2 weeks at it over summer and I recently tried atkins for a couple of weeks but ended up putting 4lbs on. So last Sunday I started lipotrim again, I don't even think I'll be on it for 2 weeks, I'll decide when I weigh myself on Sunday. When I've completed re-feed I'm going do my own low carb/fast/calorie count diet to get rid of the last few lbs (my goal is 9 anything!) and maintain.
I started in April and did 8 weeks including the re-feed week. I had another 2 weeks at it over summer and I recently tried atkins for a couple of weeks but ended up putting 4lbs on. So last Sunday I started lipotrim again, I don't even think I'll be on it for 2 weeks, I'll decide when I weigh myself on Sunday. When I've completed re-feed I'm going do my own low carb/fast/calorie count diet to get rid of the last few lbs (my goal is 9 anything!) and maintain.

Thats great Sam. glad I decided against atkins now. You are so close to being 9 something :) best of luck shifting the last few lbs, cant wait till I only have a few lbs left. x x
I know, I cant quite believe I could soon be in the 9's! I've always been big, as soon as I hit my late teens early twenties the weight just piled on, I have PCOS but it can't all be blamed on that!! ha! Is it your second day today? how are you feeling?
I know, I cant quite believe I could soon be in the 9's! I've always been big, as soon as I hit my late teens early twenties the weight just piled on, I have PCOS but it can't all be blamed on that!! ha! Is it your second day today? how are you feeling?

I have PCOS too, pain in the bum trying to lose weight on a normal diet with it. Yeah today is day 2. Im feeling quite good actually, I just feel so positive that I'm not bothered about not eating. I just keep thinking that in February I could be at my goal, thats mad. I feel so much better when I'm in the 11s. Dont want to go under 10 stone as I look too skinny, last time I was in the 9s I was asked endless times if I was ill, family was worried, when I look at pictures now I looked way too thin. I still like to be a little curvy. Last time I lost weight, hubby asked me to stop losing when I reached 12 stone so I will see how I feel when I get close to it. fingers crossed that you will be in the 9s asap x x