help help help help.


Silver Member
Hello everyone :)

I came looking for info as I thought there'd be lots of posts about this particular issue - now I'm just not sure whether I'm completely blind or it's only happening in my area!!

I got my Xenical prescription, oh gosh.. a couple of months ago now! And ever since absolutely nowhere has had any in stock! "Manufacturing problems" - whatever those are!!

Is anyone else experiencing this? My guess is yes because I remember posting a similar query a little while ago and lots said they were - I just can't seem to find any related threads - am I going mad!? :)

I've been buying Alli instead but the cost is really starting to add up now..!! I was just wondering if any of you Minimins wealths of knowledge could give me a heads up or point in the right direction?? Would be very, veyr much appreciated!! xx
Nope out pretty much everywhere lots of us are awaiting prescriptions to be filled! :( xx
Hi the posts are probably just several pages down now hon! As Kirsty says people are still struggling! Some co-op pharmacies got some in & 2 members local to me in Lincs managed to get some but it's gone again now. Roche who manufactured it initially have said they will make another announcement next month. There are all sorts of rumours flying around about tests & liver damage, hopefully they are just that & rumours!!!
No lex they did test the liver damage thing but there was no evidence it increased your risk - and the conclusions they drew were you were more likely to have liver damage being obese than taking xen!

Hence them trying to catch up on stock! xx
I managed to get some yesterday in Glasgow although the pharmacist did say he was very lucky getting a delivery of 3 boxes although he was not sure when and if he would get more. I'd say keep trying, I kept going in and phoning and finally got some x
cant get any in manchester or bury
thanks so so much ladies - good to know I'm not going through this alone but such a shame that none of us can get any!! Congrats to jenbo.. what a score he he!! Have any of you turned to Alli or just waiting it out?? They only ever seem to have the reeeally, really expensive boxes left on the shelves wherever I try - I was luck enough to spot some of the medium boxes (£39.99) in Tesco the other day so decided to take the plunge! Shall look forward to the next announcement - REALLY frikkin hope it's nothing to do with health risks, I've been on these tablets for yonks..!!!

Thanks again ladies, very much appreciated :) xxx
Kelly - you can ask your GP to presribe you Alli. My friend asked her Dr for Alli due to the supply problems and he gave her a prescription no problem. She got it at the first Chemist she went to.

Ask your GP and at least then you will only be paying the prescription fee.
I've had probs in Brum, I phoned around over 20 chemists the other week before finally striking gold thankfully.
Poppy I'm in Manchester and got some from a chemist in cheetham hill on Sunday. Hbs chemist I think!

bril thanks i go through cheetham hill to work every day.