HELP me, im am about to break!

CWP's official line is something like '2.25litres minimum, don't drink more than twice as much as that, unless you have bars and tetras in which case you need a bit more water to compensate'. If it was true that 'the more you drink, the more you shrink', CD would be promoting it, as would all the other VLCD companies, as official advice. And so would evian and volvic!
I think an important thing to remember also with the water intake is to spread it out during the day - the way has Spangles has described sounds ideal. If you get to the end of the day and then guzzle gallons of water, you are in danger of water intoxication. Very rare and as I say, it's more about drinking huge amounts very quickly, but it is possible so that's why it's so important to spread it out evenly over the whole day. I made the mistake of having half a litre late last night as I was thirsty - regretted it at half 4 this morning when I had to get up for the loo, something I never normally have to do! Lol.
Have a good day everyone :) x
I agree - it sounded extremely excessive to me - but that's what she said - anyway I think it would be virtually impossible to drink that much water spread out evenly during the day. I do try to drink more because I'm on tetras & bars only.
LighterLife changed their advice about 3 years ago after some high profile scare stories in the media. They now say to drink enough water 'to be comfortable'.

4 pints (2.4 litres) is fine. If you're thirsty, drink more. End of story!
I drink 4 litres a day but I dont force that, its what I am comfortable drinking and helps to stop me feeling hungry xx