Attack Help....yoghurt related dilemma...


Hey peeps

Finally found a non fruit flavoured fat free yoghurt...its by Danone, coconut flavour, 59cals and 0.1fat per pot..thing is ive read conflicting info about the dukan friendly nature of these...please someone
Whats the fat and sugar per 100g?
Awww xeilidhx cheers for the response luv...

sugar per 100g s 6.8g and fat is 0.11....good or not?


ps ur my unofficial dukan inspiration as ur stats are almost identical to mine (exept i havent lost yet)
pps -u look fantastic well done
Hey vivamus, thank u for the reply...

i have seen the vitalinea by Danone but because theyre all fruit flavoured or 'con cereales' i presumed they were off limits...
we have no Aldi here in GC, we do have lidl...wondr if its worth a look....

Aw yeah Tenerife is mch better for shopping...
the natural Danone, im gna have to shop around for as they defo dont have it at my local spar or hiper d...

just wondering...if i dont get any suitable dairy...what else can i do with my oatbran?

how are you doing on dukan? are u losing/at target? did u find it difficult getting certain ingredients?

thanx again for ur advice...x
NickiT said:
Awww xeilidhx cheers for the response luv...

sugar per 100g s 6.8g and fat is 0.11....good or not?


ps ur my unofficial dukan inspiration as ur stats are almost identical to mine (exept i havent lost yet)
pps -u look fantastic well done

Aw thanks :) I'd suggest sugar a bit high but if you're struggling to get anything it's probably better than going totally off plan. I use total 0% if you can find something similar. X