
Please help I have been sooo good not even one cheat and the scale has not moved! I go up a half a pound and down a half a pound... I want to cry so bad! On my protein days I eat chicken boiled, roasted or baked with nothing but seasons. Eggs boiled or scrambled, ground turkey, non fat yogurt Greek, and a galette. On p/v days I eat any of that pluse spinach, green beans (raw or steamed), broccoli, lettus, peppers. What is wrong with me? :0/
Stick with it Diet girl :0)

Have you already completed your attack phase? and how far into your cruise are you? I had this same problem but was advised that weight loss in the cruise often shows up in week two. This was the case for me and i'm now 8lbs down :0)

Good luck xx
I did a 9 day attack! I have been in the cruse phase for one week now.

How much did you lose during your attack? was it a lot. If so then maybe your body needs time to catch up. A week after a big loss is often slow or there is no change. Keep at it, as it will eventually pay off. Have some patience :D
I've just lost 6 lbs in 4 days. It seems so rapid! I think it's only natural that that has to slow down once on cruise. Keep it up.
diet girl, of the foods you have mentioned, are you eating practically the same things every day. Try variations. beef and fish for one. It might be that you aren't eating enough as well. It really does work that if you don't eat enough your body goes into hibernation mode. Are you hungry at all? If so you need to eat more. Are you getting enough fluids.

All these things can make a difference. Were you on a diet before you started this one, if you have switched from one to the other, your body is already in loss mode, so will only lost at average of 1.5-2lb a week.
Also I'd advise posting your menus in the "menu thread" so that we can keep an eye on quantities. If you fill out your profile too, we can follow you better. It could be simply that you're not eating enough pure protein for your current weight. Also remember drinks. List everything you drink. There are often mistakes made there, and with dairy quantities.

We'll find it if you give us the info. Hang in there!