Here will come the "slim" bride's diary

well i went and got weighed a little earlier today as i had some time and im not sure how i feel, ive lost 4lbs, but it doesn't seem that much i guess i was hoping for a couple of pounds more..... not one to be greedy Oh well i guess 4lb off is better than nothing or a gain!
I just feel like this has been the hardest week so far and i have been so tempted to give in and its not as mch of a loss as i wanted.
I do know, i have had 2 cuppas with milk and a bite a chicken breast so that may well have effected things and slowed me down... not sure about that though. For now i need to get the thought of food out of my head, stop dreaming of what i cant have and concentrate on the weight i am losing and the reason why i am doing all this!

Sorry to rant aswell but my chemist is totally ***** ( excuse the french) she tried telling me id lost 8lb this week after trying to convert kgs into pounds, and that she was wrong last week and id lost 3lb last week but she had wrote it down wrong...... then she turned round and said " how many pounds in a stone, i cant seem to work it all out" all she did was weigh me and send me on my way. They have no breath strips in stock having asked for them on week 1 and no fibre stuff in having asked for that also, i just feel like they dont know what the are doing in there and we dont have another one near by that does LT.
And to make me even more upset i have just worked out that 65.6kg = 10stone 4lb making it a 3lb loss :( :( :(

Stoooopid chemist lady trying to tell me lies :(