Hey everyone


Full Member
Hi everyone. :cool:
Ive been overweight for most of my life.
It was never a lot, just a couple of stone so I did the usual to lose- cutting back, extra exercise and calorie counting.
It was only after a horrendous childbirth that caused me to gain most of my weight.
Since then Ive been dieting for the past 10 years off and on.
I did try Xenical about 10 years ago but found it to be very slow.
I got to my heaviest at 25 stone 6 and tried Slimming world. I actually did well and lost 6 stone for my wedding in 2004.
Since then ive gained and lost the weight many times. I just cant seem to get past that 20 stone barrier! Ive struggled to get on track with losing weight properly, I tried WW for a kick start but it didnt work for me.
In the summer last year I discovered Dukan and lost a much needed 2 stone for a holiday. After the holiday I tried SW again but I just couldnt get the motivation to get started.
However I have reached my heaviest again and ive decided to follow Dukan. I did love it when I had my summer romance with it :p
Im still very fond of SW but find it can be too relaxed at times.
Ive decided to follow Dukan but know there will be days when I wont be 100%
so at the worst my bad Dukan days will make great SW red days. (I hope that makes sense to someone?!):)

I have a wonderful feeling that this is finally my time.
I mean it this time! :D

I started in March and my past 3 weigh ins have been
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well done! seems you've finally found something that works for you and makes you feel good doing it :)

It'll be hard at times but you can do it ^_^
Good luck and welldone with your losses so far. Its so much harder when you restart. I lost 5 stone but I was less heavy then I was now. I actually made it to a healthy BMI first time ever. So to hit the 300lb mark was awful. But I realised the main thing is we are all trying to do something about it. I think its hard for other people to understand when you have more to lose just how hard it is and how not all things work for all people. From your weigh ins sounds like your doing great.
Thanks everyone :)

Well I weighed in today and lost 2lbs :D, was expecting 2 but hoping for a little bit more.
would have loved 5 to get me in the 23's-will have to try that next week..........
Although its half term next week, I usually struggle but have tried to buy a lot of extra things today to keep me on track.

will have to start myself a diary on here ;)
That's a really good result. At your weight you shouldn't be losing much more than that anyway, as you might end up with loose skin.

You're doing really well.
That's a really good result. At your weight you shouldn't be losing much more than that anyway, as you might end up with loose skin.

You're doing really well.
Thanks, I know 2 is a fab amount to lose :)
esp as most of last year on SW, I maintained or struggled to lose 1lb.