Hey, Newbie with over 20 stone to lose

Oioi ladies ;)

Glad you're much happier lovely - and getitng plenty of exercise ;)

I bet the doggies are loving being able to play with you too!! :)
Well, one of them keeps trying to hump my back but apart from that lol.

Did 150 calories on the bike today - funny how once you've got the headphones on how easy it is to exercise without even thinking.
It's when the OH starts doing it, then I'll seriously start to worry ;)
LMAO! Oops...

Well looks like the plateau is finally behind me (2 Looooong months) as it's 2lbs gone this week already :)

Well the weight has started going down again rather than bouncing backwards and forwards so let's hope I can get down to 23stone 1lb in the next 2 weeks or so and I'll be a happy bunny.
Brought the calories down to 1400 and now the weight is on the move again... phew. Only 1 pound this week but it's more than I've been able to shift the last few weeks.
Crikey! I just noticed you have lost nearly 8 stone since February! You have lost more than my lodger weighs. How amazing is that?

1400 is very restrictive. Can I see your daily food log, to see how it's done?

Many congrats. You will be a legend one day on here!

Well done lovely - please don't keep it at 1400 though xx

Glad to hear it's moving again. :) But I do agree with Kym - 1,400 is much too low going forward. You're actually better increasing your calories then dropping them again in order to get over a plateau. I wouldn't leave them that low for too long, hon. :) xx