Hi chicken on a mission,well the gi diet is a low glicemic index,which helps stabalize your blood sugar which in turn helps control your appetite as u when u eat high gi foods like processed carbs u get a sudden rush of energy from the sugar in the carbs then u get an energy slump and hunger follows,so keeping my blood sugar stable helps with your physiscal hunger.
Also for people who are insulin resisant or have POCS and u eat refined carbs it turn to sugar b4 u have had a chance 2 burn the calories so u gain weight faster.
I myself have previously lost 5 stone in 14 weeks by following a low glcemic diet but was my version of a vlcd which i only had 800 cals a day, was not 2 sensible eating such a low amount of cals but i was taking suppliments so i ws not deficient.
Anthony worral thompsons book is meant to be really good as he has a metabolic syndrome which means he is insulin resistant and he need to be on a low gi/gl diet,i am going to have a look in tescos`s for it.
So far i have had 3 days on a low gi diet and so far am doing ok,am controlling my hunger and eating some yuumy food.
Today in tesco they were selling frozen smoothie packs individually portioned(just the fruit) and i blended it with low fat yoghurt and added a bit of multi grain cereal to bulk it out and it was gorgeous and very low gi.
Do some reserarch into gl/gi and i am sure u will like what u read, hope this helps u xx
Hi russian doll, how r u doing hun, how has your day been,wot u up to this weekend xx
Keelie, know u r not around, but hope u r having a nice break from work xxx
Mandy how u doing girl, every time i look at your pic u remind me of a friend of mine who u most prob know of dh Geri, u look so much alike, hope u r having a nice weekend xx
Mini i am here,pc has been playing up so was having probs, kept on freezing,how r u doing xxx
Well ladies got tons to do, new washing machine was meant to be coming today, being replaced under a warranty and was up from 8 waiting for them got a call at 10.30 to tell me it has been cancelled till next thursday, am really ticked off especially as had to get someone to un plumb the machine and now today replumb it and then on wed nght disconect it again, what a pee take.
Have a good day, chat later xxxxxxxx