
thanks for that :D think i will have to look at the per pack on ready meals more
Hiya Ladies.

Im new to all this.. i hope you dont mind me joining your thread.

Iam about to start Xenical tomorrow.. Iam doing it with Measure Up.. the Asda form of Slimfast. Now quite sure if it will work but im going to give it a go.

I have read all the posts that you have put on here and i have found all the information very helpful. I was mainly worried about the oily leakage. But i will hopefully be ok!!

welcome aboard birdy and good luck for tomorrow and i am sure you will do very well :D pop on and let us know how it all goes and look forward to going through this journey with you
Good luck Birdy! Side effects aren't as bad as people try and make them out to be..Just stick to the rules and you'll never experience them. :)
Welcome Birdy and goodluck on your 1st day.........:)
Hope your well Sallouise :)
i'm fine hun....think i found my core muscles today ha ha ha.....how is ur diet going ?? :)
Thank you all for your replies of support.
Well today has gone well up to now.. Im glad there are sites like this where we can all support eachother.. Makes it a lot easier.

Hope you are all doing well today! xxx
This site is amazing ....at least your not doing everything on your own ... :)
today not been too bad but got the TOTM coming so starting to get my cravings :( hope i can get through it without cheating. need to get more exercise in

i know i couldnt really do it without the support on this forum which i found purely by accident when looking for more info on xenical.
Salloiuse thats how i found the site lol Looking up Xenical.

I have read how much weight you have all lost and you have inspired me.. I cant wait to come on here after my first week or months weigh in and put how much i have lost!

Do you guys tend to have a weekly or monthly weigh in? xx
I tend to get obsessed with the scales when im dieting.. i weigh myself every morning lol
I think i will just try not to weigh myself through the weeks and leave it to my monthly weigh in at the doctors.. I will be suprised that way lol xx
I weigh myself every Sunday and the Dr wants to see me every 28 days