Hi all...(So if I blabber on)


Hi all! :)
I have no idea what I am doing as I have just joined!
I have signed up as more of an incentive to lose I think, maybe get some tips.
I have done weight watchers once before and it worked pretty well! yay! but I went on holiday and didn't bother again SOOOOOO.......
I have started weight watchers today...Officially. By this I mean That over the past few wks I have tried. I have ate great over the wk! then weekend comes, i stay at my boyfriends house, and his mum (as gorgeous as she is) makes a lovely Breakfast, dinner and tea! There goes my diet :wave_cry:
I did manage to lose a few lbs, but I just feel a bit crappy over it as I know I could lose more.
I cant offend her as she does loads for me but I am trying to cut my portions down and I said no thank you to a chocolate eclaire!!!! go me.
So yes, I'm going to make more of an effort. I have heard you shouldn't save more than 4points a day. I am only allowed 19 per day. Im in no rush to lose but i would love a bikini body by June! and would like to see a bit of a difference by valentines day! I go to the Gym and I'm signing up for some classes too!. I hope I do okay.

*Quick question also....I always have about 2 cups of teas a day. with sweetners and semi skimmed milk... is there any points in this. I count 1/2 a point per cup.*

Have a good day every1 x x x x x x :heartpump:
Hello and welcome.

the only points you have to count for you tea is milk

per half pint whole milk is 4pts
semi skimmed is 2pts and skimmed is 1pt. hope that helps.x

Good luck.
Hi Charly and welcome.

sounds like you are doing all the right things and if you stick really well during the week - you won't do that much damage over the weekend.

(just pass the food across to your bf's plate when his mum is not looking....or just tell her that you want to lose a little weight and could she give you some ideas on what to cook for yourself etc etc - see us mums love that - makes us feel that we're important!)