Hi everyone, day 3 for me !!!


Hi everyone just wanted to say hello and introduce myself :). After many failed attempts of dieting of every different diet you can imagine lol... I started ss 2 days ago, well today being my 3rd day :). I didnt even dare post the first couple of days because i didnt know if i could even make it to day 3!!! But here I am and hopefully in the right frame of mind., I have 4 stone to lose and lost 3 stone before doing lighterlife but stupidly didnt follow rtm. I have tried so many times to get over the first few days without success lol... But I am so determined now. So onwards and downwards ( on the scales !!!! ) Look forward to chatting to you all soon - sal x
Well done getting to day three!! I hated day three, but luckily day four onwards it all kinda slips into place! :)
Good luck on your journey and keep us all updated!! Xx
Well done on nearing the end of day 3, one of the worst ever days! Get through tomorrow and it's mostly a smooth ride to slimdom xx
Hi sal iv started today and similar weight to u. Let's leep each other motivated. We will do this! Do you hav a goal date in mind? Xx
Hey how's your day 4 going?? Today is my day 3- it's a toughie lol x