Hi everyone!


New Member
Hi there everyone,

Long time lurker on these forums and I've finally taken the plunge and signed up. A bit about myself first of all.

I am a 28 year old male from Belfast. I have a wife and 2 kids. I am currently tipping the scales at (gulp!) 21 stone and while thats a bad weight for anyone, its obviously particularly bad for someone like myself who is only 5'7'' LOL. My last attempt at weight loss was last June. After watching 'Super Size Me' (im not a fan of McD's by the way, I just thought the general message of the movie was jarring to say the least!) So straight after the movie ended I promised myself that I was gonna make a change for the better and finally shift the weight that has plagued me for about the last 8 or 9 years. Up until I was 18 I was generally fit and healthy, worked in a butchers shop, played football 3 or 4 times a week and all was good. Until I got my first office job. Whenever I started working in an office, going from the active work I was doing in the butchers to sitting at a desk all day, the weight just began to creep on and here we are 8/9 years later needless to say I havent kicked a ball in a long time!!! So last June I started eating healthily, bought myself a punch bag and hung it in the back yard and managed to lose near a stone in the first 5 or 6 weeks. Then in mid July 2012 my Father died. I wont get into the details but needless to say my desire for losing weight just faded away.

So here we are just over a year later, the drive is back and I really want to start shedding the pounds again. Myself, my wife and my father in law have all decided to join Slimming World and the first class is this coming Tuesday. We have also began walking in the Docks area in Belfast and are currently doing 3/4 miles, 3 times a week but I plan to step this up in the coming weeks and also my trusty punch bag will be getting hung in the back yard once again! As well as getting healthy we have the added incentive of a family holiday we have just booked to Orlando. 3 weeks from the 30th June so I have set myself a target of 3 stone by Christmas (might be a tad ambitious but hey, reach for the stars eh!?) and a further 2 stone (hopefully 3!) by the 29th June 2014. Im hoping itll be easier to hit my goals by splitting them the way I have.

So there you have it. 21 stone down to at least 16 by the end of June next year. And with the help of Slimming World and hopefully others here on the Minimins board and the incentive of our holiday to Florida I'm cautiously optimistic (I'm a natural born worrier!) of achieving my goals! Sorry for the essay. Just needed to get all that off my chest LOL!! :D


Hello and welcome! I'm not on SW myself, being a dyed in the wool calorie counter, but my starting weight was very similar to yours at 21.5 stone. I lost 5.5 stone in my first year, and 3.5 stone in the second, so a total of 9 stone in 2 years. I'm sure you can lose quicker than me if you add some exercise in - I don't do any at all due to health problems - so you can easily be much slimmer in time for your holiday. All the very best. :) xx