Hi I'm new to Minimins

Polly Page

Hi I joined Slimming World on the 7th January and have lost 12lbs so far and I'm really pleased the problem I have is because of work I am unable to attend the group I originally joined (I mithered and mithered to have my days, I only work 2 days, together and unfortunately I've found it difficult to attend as one of the day's falls on the group meeting day so for the past 4 weeks I've attend another which is held on a Saturday morning.
Do I have to transfer permanently to the Saturday group or can I keep my original group, my group leader has asked if I will be transferring
I don't think you have to transfer as far as I understand. Will you be going back to the original class you signed up at? I re joined 5 weeks ago and have so far been to three different classes as I've not been able to attend group on the same day every week
Since I posted I've been giving it some thought and it possibly would be better if I did continue to go to the Saturday group that way, as there are two sessions one at 10am and one at midday.
It was the original groups consultant who asked if I was going to transfer and it just made me feel a bit sad
I've just transferred from a group I used to love going to and lost 3.5st with last year. I rejoined that class in January, but found a Friday group nearby which suits me better all round and I'm transferring over. I really liked my first consultant, so I know how you feel, and you don't have to officially transfer, but, personally, I think it's better than messing about, especially if the other class suits you better. x
Hippopotamum I think your right as I've been thinking about it today you know weighing up the pro's and con's the fact that no matter what days I worked the Saturday group would be better as I don't work weekends and there are two sessions 10am and 12 midday.
So on balance I think it would be better if I did transfer, thank you for your opinion it's much appreciated