Hi there.


New Member
Hello ladies.

I'm 21 and 21 stone and I'm sick of being fat.

I'd love to eat healthily but just don't know where to start.

It's also really difficult to get decent food with the little money I have and a very fussy boyfriend.

Any suggestions? What's worked best for you?

Hi Emily and :welcome2:

I'm following Slimming World Extra Easy Plan. It's as it says...extra easy but it also makes use of the foods that a lot of people would have in anyway. One thing for sure....my food bill isn't as high as it was before I started and I've never been hungry yet.

There's loads of recipes on here..and the support is fab.

Give it a try...what have you got to lose apart from lots of weight? :D

Good luck with whichever plan you decide on anyway. :)
Hi Emily, Welcome to the forum.
It's great that you have decided to do something about the weight problem, you are at such a young age and have plenty of exciting things to do in your coming years and being in slimmer and fitter state will be soo much better for you....:)
Can't help wondering if the Bf is paying his way with the expenses...sorry if I picked that up wrong but my ex used to want great meals but kept me on a VERY low household budget. Can't expect to live like a king on pennies, hey?
How are you at cooking? Do you do stews and the like which can be very cost affective when on a low income?

Wish you all success in your new adventure and don't forget, we are all rooting for you...:)
I'm a student and we're on benefits currently so it really is a low income. I can't afford the extra cost of doing something like slimming world. =[ Especially as I want to start swimming and need to find the money for that.

I do like stews but the BF isn't so keen and he'll just eat sandwiches if I cook something like that which makes me feel guilty. We'll have to find a way of getting what we both need. =/

And thank you for the welcome. =]
Hi Emily, I'm a student (skint all the time) and I do slimming world from home because I can't afford the classes. As for exercise I was paying every month to go swimming at my local leasuire centre but just can't afford it any more plus also got very bored with swimming an hour 4 times a week. Plus my legs killed all the time! I have now discovered zumba. I bought a DVD off eBay and do it most nights in my bedroom, doesn't even feel like exercise. In total on slimming world I have lost about two stone. I rarely cook anything I just make up a quick pasta n sauce or bacon and eggs. There's loads you can have and I spend less now then when I was buying mcdonalds every night! My boyfriend just has what he likes because he knows I'm trying to stick to my diet, also sometimes he will just have what I'm having jacket potatoes etc. Please just have a look on the internet about the extra easy plan because I know alot of people it's worked for. My mum lost 7 and a half stone last year on it! It does work and doesn't have to be expensive :) xxx
Hi Emily, I'm also a student. I can't afford to do slimming world etc. so I just try to stick to 1200 calories a day and try to work out at least 5 times a week (of course, some weeks I barely get 2 days in!) but it's been working okay for me. I allow myself treats - small things like a mini kit kat, hot chocolate.