Holding my head in shame :(


Loves to Post
Hi All,

Some of you may remember me from before Christmas. I was doing so well and was only 2 lbs off of losing 4 1/2 Stone.
Well very stupidly I stopped completely over Christmas week as it was my 12 weeks on SS and have never been able to get back on since :(

I try every day with a restart just cannot seem to succeed I don't know what’s wrong with me.

I am having a very stressful time in life at the moment. I am moving house which keeps going wrong and my boss has recently got promoted and has turned into a witch!! I have always been a comfort eater and seem to be letting it all get the better of me.

I have put on a stone since Christmas and feel such a failure :( I stopped coming on here for support as couldn't face owning up to my failure after soo many of you looked to me as an inspiration.

I really don't know what I can do to make me get back on the wagon but the way I am going at the moment I will be at my starting weight again in no time. :(

Please help this is my last chance before I give up completely!!!


maybe you could start on a higher step to ease yourself back in or just cut out carbs for a week or so then when you go back onto CD you shouldnt feel so bad getting into ketosis. these things may help to get you back on track rather than completely going cold turkey from food. it is hard enough to follow CD but if you're struggling to cut out food completely there are other options such as 810 or step 3 at 1000 cals per day that may be better suited for you to start with. a stone since Christmas is really not that bad, it could be worse, i put on a stone in a month b4 starting CD, thats why i ended up doing it, couldnt believe the weight that crept on so quick! xx

Didnt want to read and run.

It is soo hard to get back on it. I agree with the above post though try and ease yourself into it. You have done the right thing coming back on here and admitting your struggling rather than just hoping it will go away! You have nothing to be ashamed off, just look at how far you have come.

Big hus and all the best for your restart.

Le xx
I tried loads before restarting but finally picked a day a week or so in advance & made a deal with myself I'd start that day no matter what. So I did & every time I was wavering I told myself in a strict voice 'you are doing ss, get over it, no options' & once the first few days are over it becomes more normal & less of a big deal. On the upside, it's only a stone, & will be gone quickly.
Hey. I'm in a similar position - jumped ship in mid july as my losses really slowed down and thought i could lose 1lb per week on any diet - turns out i couldn't. pretty much maintained with SW for three months and then the last three weeks i did nothing but gorge. Knew like you i was on a slippery slope back to my starting weight and needed to get back in control of my life (also have loads of other bits up in the air). So i went and seen my CDC and started again yesterday. I know that this diet works for me, i know i'll lose the weight and reach target on it, i just have to be more patient this time. I also know that the difficult bits don't last that long, once you're through the first week it's all emotional. I also understand that if i feel better about me (ie i'm losing weight and not gaining it) then everything else in life is easier to tackle, when i feel crappy about myself it affects everything else xxx i hope that this helps and wasn't just a ramble xxx
Thank you soo much for all of your support all it really does help. I forgot just how much help this site can motivate you. It seems to just be the first four days as soon as I feel hungry and something goes wrong I give up. Yesterday started well I had my morning and afternoon shake went for a walk in the evening then failed I hit the chip shop for dinner just because it smelt nice on the walk home. I just don;t seem to have the will power its really not good. I know its wrong yet I still let myself do it :(

It is nice to know that I am not on my own in this struggle, if i could just get through the first 4 days I could be in ketosis and feel great about myself just dont know how to stop myself. Its like I need to be locked in a room away from the world for the first four days.

Today I have started well :) I have had my morning shake and have my shake on me ready for lunch.

Maybe your right, I could try SS+ so I don't feel deprived of food just until I get into Ketosis then switch back to SS again then.
Mishie089 said:
Thank you soo much for all of your support all it really does help. I forgot just how much help this site can motivate you. It seems to just be the first four days as soon as I feel hungry and something goes wrong I give up. Yesterday started well I had my morning and afternoon shake went for a walk in the evening then failed I hit the chip shop for dinner just because it smelt nice on the walk home. I just don;t seem to have the will power its really not good. I know its wrong yet I still let myself do it :(

It is nice to know that I am not on my own in this struggle, if i could just get through the first 4 days I could be in ketosis and feel great about myself just dont know how to stop myself. Its like I need to be locked in a room away from the world for the first four days.

Today I have started well :) I have had my morning shake and have my shake on me ready for lunch.

Maybe your right, I could try SS+ so I don't feel deprived of food just until I get into Ketosis then switch back to SS again then.

And distract yourself. The crabbing goes in minutes. Come and look at the before and after pictures to remind yourself why you don't want that food x
Use this page to buddy up! It always helps :) I'm back to ss today after a few weeks of ss+ and cheats. It's hard now, but I'm trying to treat it as training myself to make better choices once the weight is off.

You can do it x
These are both great ideas :) Well I survived lunchtime :) I have now got the bad headache and my stomach is groaning like theres no tomorrow :( must resist the tempation of biscuits and chocolate in my office and stay strong x will keep you all updated as to how the days go, that way it may make me think twice before cheating, fingers crossed x
Hey the fact you have only put on a stone in that time and are trying to get back on track is a really positive thing, a stone will be gone in 4 weeks if you go for it, then if you want to you can go up to SS+ get any last llbs off then your back on maintenance, job done!!! Go for it, it will make you feel so much better and give you the confidence to look at your boss and laugh at her witch behavior, rather than let it upset you, people like that will pick on people that are a little more reserved... Go kick ass and go for it, I wish you all the best, can't wait to hear how you get on.. :)))
Mishie089 said:
These are both great ideas :) Well I survived lunchtime :) I have now got the bad headache and my stomach is groaning like theres no tomorrow :( must resist the tempation of biscuits and chocolate in my office and stay strong x will keep you all updated as to how the days go, that way it may make me think twice before cheating, fingers crossed x

Stick with it. No biscuits can compare the to the feeling you get from that first WI. X
Sorry guys I have failed once again :( I just cant seem to get my head to stop me eating. I ended up having KFC last night however on a positive side I did avoid the chips and only had chicken legs. Why do I do this to myself? I just dont know whats the matter with me. I want to lose this weight soo much yet its myself stopping me :( Well new day new begining lets get this diet done once and for all!
Sometimes your mindset can help. Rather than thinking you failed, think how'd many calories you managed to survive on yesterday (not many!). And you almost had an ss+ day.
Thanks soo much AnnieAnnie. Very true comment. I think that SS+ is my best option to get me back onto this diet properly. It is soo annoying because I know that once I am in Ketosis I will be fine its just getting into it thats the hardest part. Let today be a better day :)
I just wanted to say I agree with Annie Annie 100 per cent its your mind set and I love your previous post about setting a date then no ifs or buts your doing it. X X
Can I chip in too .... I read on here somewhere about people having 100% weeks or 100% days and how they beat themselves up if they weren't 100% all the time.

The answer given was that if you have eaten the wrong foods don't think of it as having blown it, just think "OK so I'm not 100% AT THE MOMENT, but my next meal will be 100%" and continue on from there. Life is not straightforward, things come along and break that 100% all the time, sometimes we cope and stay on track but sometimes we get swayed and take a de-tour. We are all human and it doesn't matter about what we did yesterday or two weeks ago, it matters about what we do now and what choices we take now.

Chose 100% for your next meal, don't wait until tomorrow, start from the next meal and forget about the slip. Also, don't beat yourself up if you sway, just get back on it and you will be going back in the right direction. You know you can do it, we all know we can do it, just be 100% for as much of the time as we can xxxx

Sorry, sounds like a bit of an essay but I really hope you are ok and it helps? xx
Alderney said:
Can I chip in too .... I read on here somewhere about people having 100% weeks or 100% days and how they beat themselves up if they weren't 100% all the time.

The answer given was that if you have eaten the wrong foods don't think of it as having blown it, just think "OK so I'm not 100% AT THE MOMENT, but my next meal will be 100%" and continue on from there. Life is not straightforward, things come along and break that 100% all the time, sometimes we cope and stay on track but sometimes we get swayed and take a de-tour. We are all human and it doesn't matter about what we did yesterday or two weeks ago, it matters about what we do now and what choices we take now.

Chose 100% for your next meal, don't wait until tomorrow, start from the next meal and forget about the slip. Also, don't beat yourself up if you sway, just get back on it and you will be going back in the right direction. You know you can do it, we all know we can do it, just be 100% for as much of the time as we can xxxx

Sorry, sounds like a bit of an essay but I really hope you are ok and it helps? xx

I completely agree u need to look at it from a positive angle u have still almost lost 3.5 stone which is amaaazing u have done it once before so u know u can do it again once u r in the right mindset u can accomplish anything u shud get some old photos of yourself out and remind yourself why u started this in the first place then carry it round with u and every time u wanna chest whip it out I'm sure that will deter u from cheating I have a picture of me on my fridge so I won't give in
:) keep going u can do it xxx
I have sympathy - I lost 3 stones last year (not on CD) and put it on by November. To get back on a diet I just kept trying every day and on numerous occasions I failed and started again the following day but eventually you just get in the zone. I think you have to be really organised. You 've only put on a stone which I don't think is bad - for me that would have been a triumph! Good luck!
Hi All,

I am back and raring to go :) At last head is in the right frame of mind !

I have set today as my resart day after having the whole long weekend off and having last week on and off.

I have weighed myself at home this morning at 14stone 9 lbs and have my weigh in with my consultant at lunchtime today ( I expect the weight to go up a little as have drank a lot of water this morning and had my first shake).

So head feels in the right place, LETS GET THIS WEIGHT SHIFTED FOR GOOD !!!!! NO MORE EXCUSES !!!!!!

My Goal Weight is set at 11stone 2 lbs so I have 84lbs to goal weight ! let this be my final journey to happiness :)