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Has anyone been on LT TFR 100% when they were on holidays? I was maybe considering if I would be able to do it when I go away instead of doing a refeed and starting eating again? Would it be very difficult?
That would be great if you could. I have only managed short breaks in England but never a full blown holiday abroad,mainly because I am so fussy with the way my shakes are made. Where are you off too ??:character00180:
Im away to Turkey for 2 weeks on 21st may. So if ive got this right ive only got 3 weeks left till I start refeed before I go away!!!! I dont know what to do!!:confused:
If it was me I would refeed, enjoy my holiday and then start again when I got back but it depends how you feel.
Two weeks is a long time to be on holiday while being on TFR diet. How strong willed are you? Will it spoil the holiday not being able to join in fully with meal times and nights out?
Maybe you could refeed and eat carefully and not put too much(or none) back on. Good luck with your dilemma.. it's a big one!
Two weeks in Turkey, how wonderful :cool: I agree with Jamsi, at least if you refeed you will do less harm than falling off the wagon once you are out there.I hope you have a great time ;)
I'd refeed - it's not like you go on holiday every month!

Have fun, just don't go utterly wild. Come back and you can diet again!

Holidays are to enjoy!
Its a very personal decision, you know yourself better then anyone. If you choose to stay 100% and then you cant manage it you may feel like you have failed, and then come home upset and demoralised instead of happy chilled and refreshed. If you decide to refeed very carefully and then enjoy your holiday but not go wild then you might come home feeling destressed and re-motivated for stage two? and proud of not gaining much. goodluck with you decision and have a great holiday either way :D